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Recap / 21 Jump Street S04E15 "Back from the Future"

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Officer Cogan: Jump Street, what's that?
Captain Adam Fuller, Jr.: It was a chameleon operation for underage-looking officers. My grand-dad ran it out of a church on Jump Street. Sent his officers straight into high schools, that kind of stuff.
Officer Cogan: Where do I apply?
Captain Adam Fuller, Jr.: You don't. They dismantled the program a long time ago.

It's about 50 years after the Jump Street team was formed (thus, in the 2030's or 2040's) and a young-looking police officer, Cogan, asks his captain (Fuller) why he can't work on the streets. Fuller tells about how his grandfather, Captain Adam Fuller, was head of the Jump Street team half a century ago. Cogan decides to visit and interview the old Jump Street team: Hanson, Penhall, Ioki, Hoffs and Fuller—all of whom are very old by now and have left Jump Street long ago. All of them gladly reminisce and tell about their time at Jump Street.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Call-Back: Captain Fuller (the grandson of the original Captain Fuller of the series) tells Officer Cogan how Tom Hanson, a police officer who looked too young to work as a uniformed cop, was recruited by the Jump Street program; he's essentially re-telling the plot of part 1 of the pilot episode. Relevant to the current plot as well, as Officer Cogan himself would like to join such a team as well.
  • Clip Show: This episode consists of fragments of earlier (Season 1 up to halfway Season 4) episodes; basically the most important moments for each character. These fragments are patched together by a storytelling device of "visiting the 50-years-in-the-future versions of the characters".
  • Japan Takes Over the World: In the version of the world in the 2030/2040's as the episode shows it, people (even in the U.S.) write in Japanese characters, and Future!Fuller remarks "Today, Asians own America".
  • Retcon: Captain Fuller (the grandson of the original Captain Fuller in the series) tells Officer Cogan how Tom Hanson, a police officer who looked too young to work as a uniformed cop, was recruited to work for the Jump Street program by Captain Fuller. The latter part contradicts the continuity of the series itself: the one who recruited Hanson was the Chief, and Hanson's initial Captain actually was Jenko, because at that point Jenko, not Fuller, was the Captain of Jump Street.
  • Shout-Out: When Cogan first meets Future!Hanson, the latter starts telling about Jump Street by quoting the start of A Tale of Two Cities, even referencing it by name.
    Future!Hanson: [Referring to his time at Jump Street] It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. In short, the period was so far like the present period, some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received for good and for evil—in the superlative degree of comparison only.... Charles Dickens [...] every school we worked in, read [Dickens].
  • Whole Episode Flashback: This takes place about 50 years after the events in the series, and consists of flash-backs of important moments that have happened on the show until then.
