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Recap / Trolls: The Beat Goes On!

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A list of recap pages for episodes from Trolls: The Beat Goes On!. The series began on January 19, 2018 and ended on November 22, 2019 with eight seasons released entirely on set dates.

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    Season 1 (January 19, 2018) 
  1. A New Bergen-ing/Laugh-Out Cloud: To the trolls' horror, Poppy invites the Bergens to a village party. / Cloud Guy offers to end a drought — if Branch will be his best buddy for a day.
  2. Two-Party System/Fun Branch: Poppy faces a dilemma — Branch's birthday party is the same day as Bridget's. / To prove he's fun, Branch invites the Snack Pack for a stay at his home.
  3. Royal Review/Funishment: Poppy nervously awaits her first performance review as queen. / An accidental theft of a Bergen's pie forces Poppy to find a way to deal with crime.
  4. Bad News Bergens/Unhealthy Competition: To build ties with the Bergens, Poppy signs the trolls up to play Bergenball. / Smidge's stoutberry juice gets a competitor, Guy Diamond's Glitterade.
  5. Cloudy with a Chance of Hugs/Creek Week: Branch grudgingly agrees to help Cloud Guy give a special someone an exclusive hug on Hug Day / The traitorous troll Creek returns to Troll Village.
  6. The Giver/Bellow Bug Day: Poppy tries to figure out who has been anonymously leaving gifts every harvest moon. / Poppy's attempt to fix a ruined holiday only makes things worse.

    Season 2 (March 9, 2018) 
  1. Prank Day/Adventures in Dinkles-Sitting: On Prank Day, Branch and Poppy try to out-trick each other to earn the title of Prank Master. / While baby-sitting Mr. Dinkles, Branch runs into trouble.
  2. Eye'll Be Watching You/Sorry Not Sorry: After Poppy crashes her flyer, Branch brings a safety monitor to the village. / When Gristle upsets Bridge, Poppy teaches him how to apologize.
  3. Big Poppy/Neighbor War: In a complimentary rap battle, Poppy tries to dethrone reigning champ Master Controll. / Branch's plan to drive away new neighbor Sky Toronto backfires.
  4. Remote Out of Control/Critter Comfort: Smidge, Guy, Cooper and Biggie take Branch's remote control, Gary, for a joyride. / Poppy's attempt to help a herd of Swampkins does just the opposite.
  5. The Poppy Horror Picture Show/Dinkles Dinkles Little Star: When a scary story makes Biggie go into hiding, Poppy devises a plan to help him / Biggie hires a confidence coach to prep Mr. Dinkles for a pet show.
  6. The Party Games/Trolly Tales: A new Party Games contestant could upstage Guy. / To entertain the kids on their first trip to the library, Poppy and Branch retell some classic tales.
  7. Model Behavior/Pillow War: Satin and Chenille put on a fashion show to impress a trendsetter. / The village holds a pillow fight to see who will win the comfy Pillow of Destiny.

    Season 3 (August 24, 2018) 

    Season 4 (November 2, 2018) 

    Season 5 (January 18, 2019) 

    Season 6 (April 9, 2019) 

    Season 7 (August 27, 2019) 

    Season 8 (November 22, 2019) 
