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Recap / The Walking Dead S07 E11 "Hostiles and Calamities"

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Season 7, Episode 11

Eugene is offered the works by Negan if he agrees to submit to the Saviors.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Dr. Carson's Cruel and Unusual Death is especially harsh considering that he's one of the few Saviors that isn't totally evil.
  • The Alcoholic: Amber has developed drinking problems since her time with Negan, which her friends state is all she does now.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Is Eugene really swayed by the Saviors and has forsaken Rick and the Alexandrians, or is his PhD in bullshitting at work?
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • When Negan says "We have another doctor Carson" after killing Dr.Carson, does he mean it metaphorically, and that he will have Eugene, whom Negan wanted to watch Carson's punishment, and has been referred to a few times as "Doctor" by other Saviors, to fill in the roll as the Saviors medical doctor at some point, or is Negan referring to the other, literal Dr.Carson who lives and works in the Hilltop colony, and that the Saviors "we take what we want" philosophy will apply to grabbing someone else's doctor and forcing him to work for them? The episode "The Other Side" answers that question.
    • When Negan's wives wants Eugene to make a suicide pill for Amber, he already figured out that the pill was going to be used to kill Negan and he refuses to give it to them. When they threaten to sell him out and pin the idea on him, Eugene told them it would be a mistake to tell Negan since they're expandable and he trusts his men more. But when Negan pays Eugene a visit, he has a serious look on his face. Did Negan's wives reveal what Eugene did and is he just testing to see if Eugene can be trusted?
  • Anachronic Order: This episode hops back a little in time from the previous episodes, and starts immediately after Eugene was taken from Alexandria and shows how Negan learned of Daryl's escape and Fat Joey's death (who he eulogized in "Rock in the Road").
  • Bad Boss: Pretty much confirmed when Negan simply kills Carson for believing he betrayed him and outlived his usefulness. Also, the fact that he had Dwight beaten and thrown into a prison cell to teach him a lesson.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Negan sends Amber (Blonde}, Tanya (Brunette) and Frankie (Redhead) to spend some time with Eugene as part of his efforts to convert him to his side.
  • Call-Back:
    • Daryl escaped — now known to be thanks to Sherry - and killed Fat Joey in "Hearts Still Beating".
    • Dwight is beaten and held in the same cell he held Daryl in during "The Cell". The "Easy Street" song also returns, and this time Eugene actually likes it; additionally, Eugene is given the same comfy room Daryl was offered.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Eugene suspects that Negan feels this way about him now since he can give him all the bullets he'll ever need. Unfortunately, this attitude doesn't apply to Dr. Carson, despite being a trained physician, as Negan kills him.
  • Character Death: Dr. Carson is burned alive by Negan after getting framed by Dwight.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Negan references when Dwight tried to flee the Saviors with Sherry and Tina in "Always Accountable".
    • Eugene begins reciting his old lie about his time in the Human Genome Project.
    • Eugene admits that he understands that Negan killed several of his friends since the group did kill more than thirty Saviors back during the last quarter of Season 6.
    • In Season 5, Dr. Edwards expressed a fear that if Grady Memorial Hospital found another doctor, he would become expendable to his group and thus be at risk for punishment or execution. This comes to play in this episode, as Negan believes the Sanctuary Dr. Carson can simply be replaced with the Dr. Carson at Hilltop, and thus kills him for a supposed offense he probably would've given a pass for if he thought him irreplaceable, something Eugene comments on later.
    • Eugene and Dwight are understandably on frosty terms after Eugene bit Dwight's dick back in Season 6's "Twice as Far".
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Dr. Carson is tossed into the Sanctuary's furnace and his upper half of his body is burned.
  • A Day in the Limelight: For Eugene and Dwight.
  • "Dear John" Letter: Sherry leaves one for Dwight, expressing how she no longer loves him for what he's become.
  • Death by Adaptation: Dr. Emmet Carson survives longer in the comics.
  • A Death in the Limelight: Dr. Carson gets the most screen time here since his debut, and he's dead by the end of the episode.
  • Evil Costume Switch: By the end of the episode, Eugene is wearing a dark coat, signifying his turn to the dark side.
  • Face Framed in Shadow: When Eugene opens the door to Negan, the left side of Negan's face is covered in shadow.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: Downplayed, but Eugene joins the Saviors, knowing it's the only way to stay alive.
  • False Confession: After being menaced with threats of being ironed in the face, Carson lies and apologizes for letting Daryl escape, thinking it will get him off the hook. It doesn't.
  • Frame-Up: Dwight shifts blame of Daryl and Sherry's escapes onto Dr. Carson to avoid more of Negan's wrath.
  • Hope Spot: Negan backs down after Dr. Carson begs him for forgiveness... only Negan then tosses him into the furnace.
  • Kick the Dog: Dwight frames Dr. Carson for Sherry's disappearance, leading to Carson getting burned to death.
  • Kill It with Fire: Dr. Carson is burned alive in a furnace.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Dwight ends up locked and tortured in the exact same cell he kept Daryl in.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Negan's decision to kill Dr. Carson will end up becoming this—from his commentary he seems to think they can just grab Harlan Carson from Hilltop as a substitute, but what he doesn't know is that Hilltop is one of the colonies preparing to go to war against him.
    • Jossed as of The Other Side - the Saviours nab the other Dr. Carson before Hilltop reveal their rebellious intentions. In fact, the abduction of their doctor and Greogory's failure to do antyhing about it - or even object very hard - is the last staw for Hilltop in prompting them to unite under Maggie's leadership instead, and go into battle in support of Alexandria
  • The Nicknamer: Eugene gets 'Mr. Smartypants' from Negan and 'Haircut' from Laura.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Dwight suffers one as punishment for failing to prevent Daryl's escape and murder of Fat Joey.
  • Omni Disciplinary Scientist: Eugene runs downs a list of phony PhD's which he obviously doesn't have to try to impress Negan with his 'smarts'.
  • Pet the Dog: Laura is on her best behavior with Eugene after having previously been a jackass to him at Alexandria.
  • Put on a Bus: Sherry has completely disappeared for parts unknown after breaking off from the Saviors.
  • The Reveal: Sherry was the one who helped Daryl escape his cell.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Sherry abandons her husband (both of them) and the Saviors.
  • The Starscream: Negan's wives planned to poison him with Eugene's cyanide pills.
  • That Man Is Dead: Sherry writes in her letter how Dwight is no longer the man she fell in love with and just another monster among the Saviors now.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: Understandably, Amber has fallen to alcoholism and is a nervous wreck when not drunk after living with Negan for far too long.
  • Villain Ball: Negan's decision to straight up kill Carson for his "confession" of releasing Daryl—having another Carson elsewhere or not, it's not wise to diminish your physicians in the kind of world the Sanctuary exists in, especially with his tendency to invoke disfiguring punishments for breaking the rules (and that's not even going into hostilities with the colonies under his thumb that might lead to problems).
  • Visual Pun: Eugene begins chomping on a pickle at the same time he tries to make amends with Dwight.
  • We Can Rule Together: The Saviors treat Eugene as pleasantly as possible to try to convince him to make bullets for them. Eugene gets a nice room, whatever he wants to eat (well, realistically, anyway), and a night to hang out with some of Negan's wives.
  • We Have Reserves: Despite Dr. Carson filling the extremely critical role of medic for the Sanctuary, Negan doesn't mind killing him for his alleged crime as they have, in his words, "a spare Dr. Carson" (Harlan, at Hilltop).
  • You Have Failed Me: Negan believes that Carson betrayed him by helping Daryl escape, and so (after eliciting an apology/confession from him) murders him.
