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Recap / The Venture Bros S 6 E 2 Maybe No Go

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Rusty tries to fix the company's stocks, while White and Billy grapple with their archenemy.

  • Artifact of Power: St. Cloud is convinced the red ball from the "Is There Something I Should Know?" music video is one.
  • Bittersweet Ending: St. Cloud successfully convinces Billy to sell his company to him for a single penny; however, it then turns out that the company which St. Cloud then sold the company to was none other then Ventech Industries itself.
  • Brick Joke:
    • The polar bear Pirate was with at the zoo, is left in Wide Wale's room.
    • After Brock's suggestion in the last episode that Hank try dressing like Steve McQueen, Hank spends this episode in a version of the costume from Le Mans. In the epilogue to the previous episode posted on Adult Swim's website, it is revealed that Hank bought the actual costume McQueen wore with Rusty's giant checkbook.
  • Call-Back: Wide Wale's brother is revealed to be Dr. Dugong, who the Monarch (supposedly) killed in Tears of a Sea Cow. The plot relevance comes in a later episode.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Because Rusty fired all the employees in the previous episode, the company's stock begins to fall, and he realizes he needs people to work.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Billy and St. Cloud, despite being sworn nemeses, still take some time out of their battles to take care of personal errands before resuming the fight the next day. As St. Cloud best said it,
    St. Cloud: I will get you, Billy Quizboy — at a reasonable hour.
  • Hidden Depths: Sergeant Hatred is a former supervillain and OSI agent, so he is a useful source of information on Wide Wale.
  • The Mole: Fallen Archer of the Crusader Action League is one for Wide Wale, taking him a cut of the CAL's profits.
  • Refrain from Assuming: In-universe, the red ball from the "Is There Something I Should Know?" music video is referred to as the "'Please, Please Tell Me' ball" by a bunch of super-nerds who think it controls the fate of American society, if not the entire human race as we know it.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Augustus St. Cloud uses the Henrietta's puppet as a shower glove.
  • Shout-Out:
    • To virtually every New Romantic band of the 80s, especially Duran Duran and the "Is There Something I Should Know?" music video.
    • When Dr. Mrs. The Monarch says her husband would be a level 4 without his henchmen army and cocoon base, he complains that another level 4, Tantrum Rex, looks like the "Not the mama! Not the mama!" baby dinosaur puppet.
    • The Pirate Captain's tranquilizer withdrawal scene (including a baby crawling on the ceiling) is taken from the heroin withdrawal scene from Trainspotting.
    • Part of the "Billy Quizboy and the Pink Pilgrim" faux opening credits scene shows a clip of Augustus St. Cloud dressed as Galactus.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: While Rusty and the Pirate Captain argue about the direction VenTech Industries should follow (practical science or super science), Dean suggests that it should do both, which both his father and the Captain agree to.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: H.E.L.P.eR. shrugs off when Rusty asked what happened to J-Bot.
  • Visual Pun: "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," as White and Billy are about to literally cross a big bridge.
  • You Monster!: When St. Cloud uses the original Henrietta Pussycat puppet from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood as a soap mitt, Billy is incensed:
    Billy: "It's sacrilege! That's a priceless artifact and a part of our collective childhood, you monster!"
