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Recap / The Review Team S 1 E 17 Necrosans Revenge

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He's so vengeful that he's not appearing on this cover!

The 17th episode.

Necrosan returns with the help of fellow demon Kumasogami. Threatening to burn London, he challenges Z-Squared and 3 other members (Godzilla, Mothra, and Finn) to fight him again. However, thanks to Kumasogami, the team has to deal with giant zombie dinosaurs. The fight goes on rather intensely before the Ornithocheirus is destroyed by Godzilla's breath and the rest of the dinosaurs, as well as most of Necrosan, are vaporized by a combination of Godzilla and Mothra's beams. Z-Squared lays the final blow. The area is revealed to be a hologram and the two demons go for some drinks.


  • Arch-Enemy: It is here that Necrosan truly shows how he's come to regard Z-Squared as this.
  • Call-Back: Megatron's still recovering from last episode.
  • Combination Attack: Godzilla and Mothra, with the right amount of time, combine their beam attacks to completely vaporize the last two Fleshsaurs and Necrosan (well, partially for him).
  • Complexity Addiction: Necrosan is shown to have this. Consider it. Four members only and they don't have to be the ones who defeated him originally (sans Z-Squared).
  • Everything's Deader with Zombies: Let's just say they look much less visceral in the re-write than before.
  • Ghost City: London is abandoned by the time our heroes get there. Justified, since it is a hologram.
  • Hell: Smack dab where the Hellspawn occupy.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Necrosan's main fantasy is seeing Z-Squared get stabbed by his own sword.
    • His own arrogance, however, does him in the end.
  • Hypocrisy Nod: Discord accuses Necrosan of being like a child who didn't get what he wanted and Godzilla claims Necrosan should stop destroying and killing for revenge for a long-past event. Twilight and Mothra question those claims respectively.
  • Monumental Damage: Averted. The Big Ben is mentioned alot and is even very close to the battle, but it survives.
  • Morton's Fork: Aknowledged in the narration. On one hand, the victory over Necrosan from last time saved their hides. On the other hand, Necrosan has become their 'nemesis'.
  • Mythology Gag: Godzilla claims that Bowser looks like a 'stupid Gamera wannabe' who, give it time, will be 'babbling about being a friend to children for the next 6 weeks'. It doesn't take a smarty or a nerd to know those two were rivals.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Other than the above example, Z-Squared and Finn cut the Ornithocheirus in two, resulting in more of the same. They keep doing it until they take the hint and run.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Kumasogami notices Necrosan isn't acting like himself.
  • Rage Quit: Upon losing to Mothra in a game of Mario Party 2, Godzilla smashes his controller. Also, Necrosan just leaves when he fails to come up with an explanation behind his convoluted rules.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Necrosan attempts to do this while holding back the combined beam. He's too late and he's hit by the full force of it.
  • Suggestive Collision: Godzilla and Mothra are knocked to the side by Necrosan, leading to this. They ignore it.
  • Take That!: Marceline remarks that there hasn't been a good Keanu Reeves movie so far.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Oh, MAN, did that first defeat make Necrosan even more determined to get his victory or what? Subverted in one way, as he didn't really go through with burning down London.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Par for the course for Necrosan, as shown when he's being propelled into oblivion by a combination beam.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Necrosan and Kumasogami decide to go for some drinks in the Circle of Greed after the events of this.
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Finn states this after Godzilla and Mothra grow back to their normal sizes. Z-Squared points out how dumb that was.
  • "You!" Exclamation: Marceline, upon seeing Necrosan. She goes back to being bored afterwards.
