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Recap / The Return To Gravity Falls S 3 E 16 Montana Jeffreys And The Last Arc

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At a weapons base somewhere in New Jersey, Graupner is contemplating how far the money from Steindorf and Co. will go, the base in the Rockies, the arms and new vehicles from here, and the tech for his deal with Bill beginning to add up. Alvis calls just as the new jeeps and helicopters leave the base, telling Graupner he figure out how the Paths were tracking them and he wants to set up a surprise for them. Graupner approves this and says Operation Green Flame was a success, although Alvis is unsure of how successful it was if the twins are still alive.

Graupner snaps at him, Alvis suggesting he take a break and relax for a bit. Graupner says Liches don't need to take breaks, Alvis pointing out that, until he gets a phylactery, he is technically a wraith. Graupner says he'll get to that when he's done dealing with the twins, insisting that they are worth following cross-country, mostly so he can settle the score between them and him. Alvis again says he should take a break, throwing out a few suggestion when Graupner says he wouldn't know what to do, although everything gets turned down. Alvis then says they got a hit on a Jeffreys being in the area, Graupner dismissing Alberta until Alvis says that Montana is giving a speech at Niagara University later that day. Graupner says that someone who battled the odds and still won every time deserves better than Niagara, deciding that he will take a break like Alvis suggested to get his hero's signature.

At a motel in the middle of New York, a worker is listening to a radio report about the still-burning fire in New Jersey when Soos comes in to get some coffee. The radio people say that it'll take years for the forest to return to normal, and depending on wind, the entire area might have to be evacuated in addition to the lives already lost. The conversation turns to the terrorist attack in Pittsburg and the name of the people who started the fires, Soos leaving the room before he hears the rest of the announcement.

He heads back to the motel room to see Wendy standing outside, loud voices coming from inside. Wendy tells Soos that Dipper just told Mabel about the magic thing, Soos bracing himself before entering the room, Mabel standing on the bed while she yells at Dipper, Ford watching from the corner. Mabel says magic causes more problems that it solves, Dipper insisting his magic is preventing problems from even starting as Soos passes out the coffee.

Mabel questions why Dipper is using evil magic when she's been teaching him the Paths. Ford and Dipper both say magic isn't evil before Dipper says that he's not as good at the Paths as Mabel believes, especially when he can't do anything lasting against Graupner at the level he's at. Mabel flops on the bed as Dipper explains that each time he has used magic, it was for defense or to gain the upper hand and help them beat whoever they were fighting... except for when he summoned the tree spirits and they went crazy and attacked everyone, them included. He again says magic is better at keeping Graupner down, sliding to the floor as he says this.

Mabel asks why Dipper didn't tell her in the beginning, Dipper saying that he thought she would get mad, especially with her trying to impress Zander. Mabel says she just worries about Dipper not trusting Zander when he's been mostly honest about why he doesn't like magic. Mabel says she doesn't want Dipper to hide it from her, Dipper saying he didn't want to, he just thought she wouldn't give him the chance to explain. Mabel admits that he was probably right, and that her thing for Zander made her forget he had used magic before and it kind of saved them three years ago. She says it isn't all that bad and that she'll be okay with him using it, provided it is used in a situation he couldn't otherwise use the Paths for.

With everyone cool with each other, Dipper calls Zander, putting it on speaker at Mabel's request. They tell him they got the Starkissed at the expense on the Devil, Zander surprised the Devil helped out considering the fire. They tell him that that was Graupner, Zander admitting the loss of the Devil is the loss of an ally before saying they should have enough Starkissed. He asks them how many pieces they have, them admitting that they don't know, Zander grumbling that they need to get more until they know for sure that it's enough.

He says they need to get moving soon, Graupner getting more and more dangerous. He says that the Rising Grasp blew up nearly an entire block in Mississippi and reveals that the government has put Graupner and his cult on the active terrorist list. Zander says to not expect any help from the government and tells them to figure out if they can access the Starkissed quickly, the magic in the world continuing to grow. He says he's gonna go check on the second half of a project they're working on before hanging up.

Dipper says that he figured out who the Devil's friend was, Mabel putting the pieces together herself. Ford says he had heard of Montana Jeffreys, the twins explaining that he retired after they met him at the beginning of summer. Wendy pulls out a newspaper that says he's going to be at Niagara University later that day, Mabel getting excited about maybe seeing what college would be like for them if they were normal and would actually go. Dipper says he's planning on going and getting as may P.H.D.s as possible, Ford commending his spirit before the five of them get back on the road.

Eventually they arrive at the campus, although they are forced to park a distance away from the building Montana is speaking in. Confident Graupner won't be after them when there is no Starkissed nearby, and that the authorities will be able to handle any issue the now-terrorist organization may cause, they all head towards the building, quickly becoming separated by the large crowd. Mabel yells to meet up outside when the speech is over, she and Dipper going through one set of doors and getting seats as high up as possible, able to see where Soos, Wendy and Ford eventually sit as well.

Dipper pulls out the Journal, telling a not-entirely-happy Mabel that he got lost when the martial arts part of the Paths turned into the elemental controlling part. He sees a spell for a disguise illusion, but is forced to put the Journal away when the lights dim, Montana walking onstage to thunderous applause. He starts by saying that looking into the past helps you to better understand the now, the twins laughing at a joke before Mabel asks Dipper if he meant what he said earlier, the two of them tuning out Montana's Q&A session while they talk.

Mabel clarifies that she's asking about what Dipper said about going to college, Dipper saying that he does want to at least try. Mabel questions if they will ever be able to do normal life stuff if each summer becomes like this one and the one from three years ago, scared that things are going to get worse since they are so close to fixing what happened with the Stone. Dipper asks why she's suddenly worried about doing normal life stuff, Mabel saying that when everything is over, they have to go back to their parents... without each other. As Montana answers a pale, stiff, dark-haired and very eyebrowed boy's question about undead, Dipper tells Mabel that they were bound to have their own lives at somepoint, and they're old enough now that they can see each other, even if they're apart sooner than they would like to be.

Mabel isn't reassured, so Dipper suggests they head outside and wait for Montana. Just as they stand up, Montana takes his next question, both of them crashing back into their seats when Graupner's voice rings out. The twins look around, realizing members of the Rising Grasp are present everywhere as an eyepatched Graupner asks Montana for advice concerning chasing what you believe in when faced with opposition. Montana says that young people, himself included, tend to think everything they do is important, and that he could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he just walked away, or honestly been able to answer the question: Is it worth it? He says that, if you are honestly able to say that your goal is worth more than the actions you take to get there, then you should go for it, no matter who or what tries to get in your way.

Graupner grins and takes his seat, Montana moving on as the twins try to figure out just why Graupner is at the speech and not attacking them. Mabel guesses that he doesn't know they are there, Dipper agreeing that he would be attacking if he had the chance. Not wanting to hurt innocents, the twins decide to not attack and talk to Montana after Graupner leaves, spending the next hour watching Graupner watch Montana speak. Eventually Montana is done, although he says he will be signing things in the lobby, the twins going into stealth mode as they make their way through the departing crowd to Wendy, Soos and Ford. Soos says he's doubtful Graupner will do something at Montana's event, although the twins get into the signing line by themselves to limit the size of their group and better stay undetected.

Mabel grumbles about having to wait in line, Dipper assuring her people will leave as he pulls out the Journal, wanting to confirm the wording for a spell. Mabel reminds him about not using magic unless it's absolutely necessary as the person in front of them steps out of line, revealing Graupner now directly in front of them, thankfully facing away. Mabel whisper-yells at Dipper to do the magic, hiding behind him as he looks for the disguise illusion spell he found earlier, the kid who asked about the undead during the speech asking them to move forward. Dipper quickly finds the spell and uses it to copy the kid's image, the kid stepping out of line, now with a mental breakdown.

Graupner turns around as Dipper closes the gap, maybe recognizing Dipper's voice but quickly dismissing him, saying that he'll handle anyone who might cause problems for Montana. The twins listen closely when Graupner's turn finally comes, Montana asking if Graupner has any relation to Archibald Kinley when told Graupner's full name. Graupner awkwardly says that Archibald was his dad, telling Montana to not apologize when he says that he's dead, saying he wasn't a good person. Montana says that he never said he was, telling Graupner that he had a few minor dealings with the 'old mercenary' before he landed a job with a billionaire. Graupner says that his dad landed with him after a bad call with his boss before honestly telling Montana that his stories helped get him through some tough times and prevented him from loosing it a while back. Montana says that Graupner got himself through everything before Graupner takes his signature and leaves, the twins feeling weird for overhearing a personal moment about their enemy.

Mabel loudly and cheerfully greets Montana as they step up, Dipper peeling away his disguise, Montana recognizing the two of them almost instantly. He says that he has noticed the rise of magic in the world, the twins telling him they need his help in saving it. Dipper mentions the box and key and hints at the Devil, although Montana doesn't pick up on the hint. He does say that the box and key maybe sounds familiar, telling the twins to meet him in his temporary unit in a half hour. The twins leave the line, grumbling that Montana doesn't trust them as he continues to sign things. Dipper admits that they kind of left things off on a truce, Graupner saying that a truce is when you are directly next to your enemy in line and decide not to kill them, at least not yet.


Standing not five feet away from each other, Dipper and Graupner ask the other why they are there while Mabel growls. Dipper mentions that Graupner isn't a Lich until he gets a phylactery, then Graupner reveals that only the most powerful undead could trick Omir's method of detecting them, so he knows about Wendy being a Wraith and the fact that she is a ticking time bomb. Dipper stiffens while Graupner tells Mabel about Wendy loosing her mind sooner or later, something Liches don't have to worry about. Dipper calls him on his bull, saying that Graupner only calls himself a Lich to make himself seem better than Wendy when there's no difference, the twins preparing for Graupner to lash out and-

he doesn't, the twins quickly calling him on acting out of character. He says that it's not for them that he's not attacking, but for Montana, and he doesn't want to start anything while the celebrity is there. Telling them that a wraith is worth more that a normal living person and they should be careful who they make/remain friends with, he says that, unless the twins start something or get close to Montana, he won't cause any problems until the event is over, and if they are still around when that time comes, he will finish what he started in New Jersey.

Graupner leaves, his Rising Grasp people closing in around him as the twins grumble about him being in control of everything. A shared look says they're gonna do what they want and talk to Montana anyway, Dipper calling Soos to catch his group up on what happened and come up with a plan. Despite it probably being very dangerous, Dipper suggests using the disguise illusion spell on him and Mabel so they can walk up to Montana in view of everyone, Graupner included, and not arouse suspicion. They tell Soos to rig up a trap in case something goes wrong before hanging up, Mabel with an idea of who they should look like.

Several seconds later, Constance Hatchetaway and Edward Gracey walk out of hiding, Dipper having created the illusions so they would be wearing modern clothing. They both attempt to change their voices, Mabel having better luck than Dipper, who decides to stay quiet and let her do all the talking. They head for the building Montana has just entered, but Graupner, believing them to be faculty, walks up to them, three Rising Grasp people standing a ways back. He asks if he could give a personal thank you note to Montana as the people behind him start fighting with Wendy, Soos and Ford. Mabel, desperate to not let Graupner see their friends fight his people, says the first thing that comes to her mind- they will take Graupner to see Montana directly, provided he doesn't get distracted.

They go the long way around the building, the only delay being the kid with the mental breakdown maybe noticing something as he passes them. They go to Montana's unit, Montana confused about the visit but he plays along, allowing Graupner five minutes with him while the twins watch and Nadia sniffs Dipper's leg. Graupner, steadily getting more and more shaky as he speaks, says that, between his dad being... him, no one thinking he would be good at anything, always being overshadowed by his teacher, and the nightmares of a burning comet of green fire, he needed someone to look up to and be inspired by, and Montana's stories of adventure ended up being the thing that helped him embrace the nightmare and become the one in control. Montana kind-of reacts to seeing the Warlock come out, but Graupner gets it under control, Montana saying he's glad his stories helped people even if that wasn't their intention and reminding Graupner to ask himself Is it worth it? before Graupner leaves.

As soon as the door closes, Montana asks the still-disguised twins what's going on, Nadia and the still injured Diana saying that they smell familiar. The twins pull off the magic, Dipper slumping to the wall in exhaustion as Mabel asks for the key. The dogs ask how the twins could change their appearance, them and Montana grumbling when they hear magic is involved. Montana says that he saw a thunderbird earlier that morning and that just before he got on stage, he heard that people are able to understand foreign languages without doing any studying, but as great as the second thing is, he knows dangerous things are coming.

Montana pulls out a key ring, Dipper mentioning that he gave the box to the Jersey Devil, jogging Montana's memory. Montana says he should go visit the Devil, the twins exchanging a glance as he finds the correct key and hands it over to them. They shake hands, Montana thanking them for trusting him considering how they left off. Mabel says they are trusting people, except where Graupner is concerned, Montana getting more and more scared with everything Mabel tells him about what Graupner has done. He starts shoving his things into bags, telling the twins that they are now even on the 'endanger-each-other's lives' count.

Someone knocks on the door, Graupner's voice calling to Montana. Graupner says that his... friends were jumped and warns Montana to watch out for the twins. The twins explain that their friends took out Graupner's Rising Grasp goons, Montana freaking out when he realizes Graupner is part of the terrorist organization that has been blowing up buildings and stuff. The twins say Graupner will snap if he sees them, Montana trying and failing to stall Graupner from entering. Mabel opens the window, Dipper and Montana each picking up one of the dogs and everyone climbing out just before Graupner explodes the door, making it to the window just in time to see them run away.

The three of them run into Soos, Wendy and Ford, quickly telling the guys to drop their trap supplies and start running, the six of them making their way towards the cars. As they arrive at the cars, Wendy glances back to see members of the Rising Grasp both chasing after them and heading to vehicles of their own. Montana gets in the back of Dipper's car with the dogs and starts to call the police as they get on the road, a black truck with Graupner in it following behind them. Several more trucks join as they get on the highway, but police cars also show up, although the Rising Grasp crashes through any defense they attempt to set up and continues the chase. Montana says that he thinks he knows how to loose the guys chasing them, telling Dipper to head to an observation tower and trust him on the plan.

Graupner shows up a minute after the twins and their friends arrive, the crowd scattering as he and the cultists make their way over the bridge to the observation tower. Graupner enters the building to see an exhausted Montana too out of breath to speak. Graupner tells Montana to leave before he goes to the platform on the other side of the tower, Dipper and Montana's dogs waiting for him. He screams Dipper's name and makes the barriers around the platform break, the tower beginning to crumble as the crowd tries to leave. The dogs growl at him, Graupner assuring them he wouldn't hurt Montana before he turns to Dipper, ready to end their war once and for all.

Montana asks Graupner if it is worth it as he pulls the illusion off, Dipper's image falling away. A shocked Graupner looks back across the bridge to see Mabel join Dipper as he pulls the Montana illusion off himself, Graupner's voice going flat as he realizes they used Montana. Montana corrects that he helped them willingly, Graupner's shock slowly turning into anger as he realizes his hero lied to him. Montana tells Graupner that he could change the world for the better if he lets the arriving police help him and just surrender. Montana grabs Graupner's shoulder to stop him from attacking the officers, practically begging Graupner to accept his help. Both Graupner and the police tell Montana to let go, Montana still gripping Graupner's shoulder as he realizes his dad was right all along about people always using each other.

Graupner screams at Montana to let go, pushing his hand off his shoulder as fire erupts from his arm, the green flame burning a hole through Montana's chest. All anyone can do is scream and watch in shock as Montana falls backwards off the platform, landing in the river below. Then chaos begins, the dogs jumping on Graupner and pulling him down while the police start shooting. Then the entire tower is engulfed by green fire, Dipper forced to pull Mabel away from the heat, both stunned from Graupner's killing of Montana. They make it back to the car, Dipper's voice breaking as he tells Mabel to call the others, ready to meet up with Zander and finish the mission now so everything will be worth it.

Graupner walks through the flaming green tower, waking up one of his unconscious cultists as he makes it off the bridge. He tells her to call Alvis and tell him to focus everything on Corduroy, Graupner no longer caring about anything and just wanting everything over. The woman starts to call as more police cars show up, Graupner summoning two balls of green flame to his hands. After taking a few seconds to test out the new development, he starts hurling the green flames at the police vehicles.

Cqn Fjauxlt rb wxc odwwh. Cqn Fjauxlt nvkxmrnb jkbxudcn neru. Qn fxw'c kn prerwp uxwp vxwxuxpdnb oxa enah vdlq uxwpna, xa fjbcn crvn bnwmrwp xdc neru qnwlqvnw oxanena. Fqnw qn fjwcb bxvncqrwp mnbcaxhnm, qn sdbc- Fjrc... fqx jv R cjutrwp jkxdc jpjrw? Rb cqrb cqn arpqc bqxf? The Warlock is not funny. The Warlock embodies absolute evil. He won't be giving long monologues for very much longer, or waste time sending out evil henchmen forever. When he wants something destroyed, he just- Wait... who am I talking about again? Is this the right show?
23-9-20-8 5-1-3-8 5-24-3-21-19-5 15-6 '2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 23-1-19 9-14 16-1-9-14' 4-15 23-5 2-5-3-15-13-5 13-15-18-5 13-15-14-19-20-18-15-21-19. With each excuse of 'because I was in pain' do we become more monstrous.
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