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Recap / The Imperfects E 4 One Of Us

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One Of Us is the fourth episode of Netflix's 2022 series The Imperfects.

While Juan reconnects with family, Abbi and Tilda meet another test subject with powers of his own. Investigators start to hunt for the imperfects.

This episode provides example of:

  • Alternate Identity Amnesia: It's revealed in this episode that Juan doesn't remember anything he does while in his chupacabra form.
  • Babysitting Episode: Part of the main plot revolves around Juan looking after his niece while his brother is away.
  • The Bad Guys Are Cops: Two Flux agents (who disguise themselves as FBI agents) serve as the primary antagonists of this episode.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Juan transforms just in time to save Paloma from being shot by Sponson.
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Juan tells Juan about what he did at Alejendro's house, including biting off Sponson's nose.
    "I hung out with my brother for the first time in years, babysat my niece, and then I bit off a fake cop's nose"
  • A Day in the Limelight: Juan gets a lot of focus and character development in this episode, with a key part of the plot being how he figures out what causes his transformations.
  • Death Glare: Juan, while transforming, gives one to Sponson as he threatens to shoot Paloma.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Juan has a variant of this when he realises that his transformations happen when he sees people he cares about being in danger.
    "So, that's what makes me change"
  • Impersonating an Officer: Both Sponson and Benning impersonate FBI agents in order to gather information on the events of the previous episode. Juan manages to see right through it when Sponson interrogates him, however.
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: During the confrontation outside Alejendro's house, Sponson punches Juan in the gut the moment he gets outside. A few minutes later, when Juan tells him not to get involved with the science, Sponson throws him onto the driveway.
  • Jerkass Realization: Juan has one after seeing copies of Sugar Skull in Alejendro's room, realising just how selfish he has been acting towards his brother.
  • Leave No Witnesses: Sponson's primary reason for trying to shoot Paloma.
  • Little "No": Juan gives a few when Sponson advances towards Paloma, clearly intending to kill her.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Juan is clearly horrified when Tilda tells him that he killed Qamara. Tilda quickly reassures him that Qamara deserved to be killed.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Darcy informs Benning of Juan's location. This leads to Sponson arriving at Alejendro's house and almost killing both Juan and Paloma until Juan (in chupacabra form) intervenes to protect Paloma.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: If Sponson hadn't threatened to shoot Paloma, Juan would likely never have found out what activated his powers.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Abbi, Tilda, Burke and Hannah all have this reaction when Owen starts going insane.
    • Juan is visibly horrified when he sees Sponson advancing towards Paloma, giving a few little no's as he watches. He quickly snaps out of it when he starts to transform, however, turning the "Oh crap" on Sponson.
    • Sponson practically shits his pants when he seen Jaun, in chupacabra form, running straight towards him.
    • All three of the "imperfects" are clearly panicking when they find out that government agents are after them.
    • Paloma has a brief look of this when "Chupi" turns towards her after attacking Sponson.
  • One Dialogue, Two Conversations: While he's interrogating Juan, Sponson thinks Juan is calling him a "stupid beast", when Juan was actually talking about his own chupacabra form.
    Juan: "You stupid beast, come on! What's your problem?"
    Sponson: "My problem is: I'm sick of your bullshit!"
    Juan: "No, no, no, I was talking about a different stupid beast, not you!"
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Owen gives one to Abbi, Tilda and Burke, calling them out for not acting like "heroes" and being afraid of their own powers rather than using them for good.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Sponson quickly leaves Alejendro's house after Juan bites off his nose.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Abbi and Tilda both give this to Owen when he attacks Hannah.
    • Owen gives one to Abbi, Tilda and Burke for not using their powers for good, and for treating him like a villain.
    • Juan gives one to himself for not transforming into his chupacabra form at an appropriate time (when he is being interrogated by Sponson).
  • Would Hurt a Child: Sponson, after seeing Paloma witnessing the events outside Alejendro's house, tries to shoot her as he doesn't want any witnesses. Juan does not take this well.
