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Recap / The Golden Girls S 03 E 14 Blanches Little Girl

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Blanche sees her daughter Rebecca for the first time in three years. When she learns her daughter is now rather overweight and engaged to a man who mistreats her, she is afraid to speak out for fear of destroying their relationship again.


  • Bait-and-Switch Comment:
    Sophia: I tell you, it sure makes me appreciate the special relationship I have with my daughter. Pussycat?
    Dorothy: Yes, Ma?
    Sophia: Dial your sister for me. I can never remember the area code.
  • Broken Aesop: A particularly infuriating example, as Rebecca, a former model, is now considerably overweight and has a boorish boyfriend who continuously makes fat-shaming jokes about her that upset her, the girls and the audience. Yet, when Sophia first meets her and begins to make the exact same kind of jokes, it's considered funny.
  • Formerly Fit: Blanche's daughter Rebecca, who had a falling out with her mother when she left home to become a model in Paris, reaches out and wants to rekindle their relationship. It turns out, though, that Rebecca gained a great deal of weight while overseas, which Blanche has something of a hard time accepting. Her real fear, though, is that Rebecca will marry the man she brought with her—a jerk who makes constant nasty jokes about Rebecca's size. Thankfully, this doesn't come to pass.
  • Hate Sink: Jeremy is a loathsome rodent who mocks his girlfriend's weight in almost every other sentence. The episode makes it clear the audience is supposed to hate him. Unfortunately, considering the other fat jokes made in the episode, it loses some punch.
  • Never Say That Again:
    Rose: It's like something that happened back in St. Olaf...
    Dorothy: Oh Rose, STOP! Rose, why is it that whenever any of us makes an observation, the first thing we hear out of you is "Back in St. Olaf"? Did it ever occur to you that we might be sick and tired of hearing, "Back in St. Olaf... back in St. Olaf... back in St. Olaf"?!
    Rose: Gee, no. That never occurred to me... I'm sorry.
    Dorothy: Oh, that's all right.
    Rose: Back in that town whose name you're tired of...
    Dorothy: ROSE!!!
