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Recap / The 100 S 07 E 10

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Sheidheda makes his move; a disciple goes rogue.


  • Canine Companion: Madi and Picasso are buddies now. He growls when Sheidheda steps into the room and threatens Madi, then can be seen hiding with her when Murphy and Emori come looking for her. Aw.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Upon being infected by the GEM9 toxin, Diyoza is crystallized alive while sparing an entire colony from the same fate.
  • Heel Realization: Devastatingly, Hope experiences this when she sadly realizes that she had a part in her mother's death.
  • I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: Sheidheda forces Madi to kneel by telling her he will kill everyone she loves in graphic detail.
  • Kneel Before Zod: Sheidheda forces Madi to kneel before him. Less about the power trip, more about the threat she poses as a legitimate claim to the throne.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: Octavia's exasperated "Will you stop pacing?" to Diyoza as they debate their current situation.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!":
    • The group when they realize Echo ran off because she's going to poison Bardo's water supply.
    • Everyone when Hope kills Anders, who drops the GEM9 weapon... only for Hope to catch it. And then she runs over to the water filter and tries poisoning it with a single drop, only for Diyoza to catch it. Cue Diyoza and the whole room getting crystallized while everyone flees.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Hope has this when her mom takes the GEM9 drop that she meant for Bardoan water supply.
  • Pet the Dog: Murphy, of all people, helps Madi through a panic attack.
  • Take Care of the Kids: As Diyoza sacrifices herself to stop the spread of the GEM9 toxin, Octavia bodily drags Hope from the room as Diyoza yells "Get her (Hope) out of here!".
  • Taking the Bullet: When Hope throws a spot of the GEM9 sample at the water supply, Diyoza catches it with her hand and shuts the filter so that it won't spread. Hope is horrified at accidentally killing her mom.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Both Echo and Hope seemingly have no issues with killing off an entire society... including children.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Sheidheda would kill Madi, but Indra is now the de-facto leader of the Grounders, and killing Madi would motivate Indra—and the Grounders—against him and jeopardize his takeover.
