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Recap / The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You Ch 026

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The story thus far: they're participating in a big eating tourney.

The first round of the contest is bubble tea. Rentarou regroups with the girls as Kurumi reiterates her intention to participate in every round, and Shizuka volunteers to participate in the first round. The contestants get off to a strong start, but after ten minutes, almost everyone comes down with cramped jaws, except Shizuka, who keeps going. Rentarou realizes that because of her smaller mouth, Shizuka is used to chewing a lot. As a result, Takeko takes first place, Rentarou's Family is second, and the Gorira Alliance comes third.

The second round is ten pieces of sushi. Nano volunteers for this round. Kurumi is slowed down by her need to savor her food, while Nano and Takeko swallow each piece whole. Nano gets full after nine pieces of sushi, allowing Takeko to take first place. As the Gorira Alliance starts to catch up, Nano runs off with the last piece and climbs up the announcer's podium, invoking her Primal Fear to stimulate her appetite, allowing Rentarou's Family to take second place and leaving the Gorira Alliance in third.

The third round is insanely spicy mapo tofu. Kusuri and Karane take this round. The dish is spicier than anyone expected, prompting Takeko to forfeit the round, but the Gorira Alliance push forward, having trained by setting off fireworks in their mouths. Kusuri's only reaction is simply convincing herself it's curry, as she regularly consumes experimental drugs and therefore is Unaffected by Spice. The Hanazonos mock Karane's earlier overconfidence, giving her the drive to charge ahead full force and allowing Rentarou's family to catch up with Takeko's score.

The fourth round is cake. The Hanazonos take this round. They push forward well into the round until Hakari, and then Hahari, start to worry about putting on too much weight. Karane snaps them out of this by telling them that the weight they'd put on would go to their chests. Just like before, Takeko takes first, Rentarou's Family comes second, and the Gorira Alliance is third.

Kurumi and the Boss Gorira are baffled by Rentarou and the girls lasting for this long, but Rentarou claims it's The Power of Love that's helping them. However, as the final round approaches, Rentarou is still massaging the girls' stomachs so they don't puke.


  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Rentarou gives all the girls headpats before the final round to congratulate them on doing a good job in the tournament.
  • Bridal Carry: Rentarou carries Nano like this when helping her down from the tower.
  • Don't Try This at Home: The reader is warned not to eat food without chewing unless their throat is made out of a special alloy.
  • Fire-Breathing Diner: The spicy tofu causes the Gorira Alliance to breathe fire the second they take a mouthful.
  • Funny Background Event: After regrouping with Rentarou and the girls following the spicy tofu round, Karane can be seen massaging her undercarriage.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Kusuri claims that Kurumi has a stomach like Doraemon's.
    • While on top of the platform, Nano is compared to Rapunzel.
  • Take That!: Rentarou calls bubble tea "pandering to selfie culture".
