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Recap / The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You Ch 025

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Rentarou introduces Kurumi to the rest of the girls, with Kurumi flatly telling everyone that she doesn't intend to get along with any of them. Knowing that some people just don't like being part of a crowd, Rentarou pitches an upcoming eating contest to the girls as a way to break in the new member. Kusuri and Kurumi are instantly sold on the dessert prize being offered by the contest, but the latter wants to compete separately. However, middle school students and below must be accompanied by a guardian, and Kurumi's parents are working on the day of the tournament, so Kurumi reluctantly asks Hahari to pretend to be her mom so she can sign up.

On the day of the tournament, Kurumi explains that she intends to participate in each round. The tournament starts with a preliminary round of rice and various side dishes, with each team's score being determined by how much rice they eat. Kusuri proposes sending everyone to maximize the score, but Rentarou decides to take the preliminary round alone with Kurumi so that the others don't get full too quickly, as well as to fulfill his intended objective in helping the girls work together with the new member.

As soon as the round starts, Kurumi becomes tempted by the side dishes, which won't contribute to the team's score. Rentarou decides to serve her some side dishes anyway, knowing that her ensuing delirious happiness will tempt the other contestants into grazing on the side dishes, while Kurumi's Hyperactive Metabolism will let her digest the food with ease. Meanwhile, Rentarou continues packing away bowl after bowl of rice, with each girlfriend giving it a different "flavor".

At the end of the preliminary round, all but three teams have been eliminated from the contest. Rentarou's Family comes in third place, the Gorira Alliance comes in second place, and in first place is Takeko Super Deluxe, the current world champion and top prize money winner of competitive eating.


  • Berserk Button: Rentarou is not happy when he hears someone call Kurumi "stupid".
  • Blatant Lies: At the eating tournament, Kurumi claims that she never asked Hahari to act like her mother, even though she had previously done so in order to enter the tournament.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • Upon seeing the two panels of herself wearing a Sexy Soaked Shirt, the announcer promptly demands to know what the hell is up with that background.
    • The announcer states that instead of wasting pages drawing calculations, they will just jump straight to showing the results.
    • Karane refers to the group as "the protagonist's team".
    • The group wonders if the perspective in the second panel Takeko appears in is the same as the one in her previous panel.
  • Eye Pop: Karane does one while demanding to know how Rentarou is able to keep packing away rice.
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction: The contest announcer starts the tournament by saying there's no need to explain the rules before proceeding to explain the rules.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: Karane wonders if it's okay to announce the protagonist's team right off the bat.
  • Shout-Out: Takeko is compared to someone out of One Piece.
