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Recap / Supermarioglitchy4s Super Mario 64 Bloopers Mario Gets Woke

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Mario Gets Control of ultimate power...

Mario gets his hands on the YouTube Remote, which has reality warping powers. He naturally goes on a power-high spree, but also ends up incurring the wrath of YouTube's CEO.

  • Dragged Off to Hell: Or at least, the Internet Graveyard. This happens to be Axol's fate, dragged off into a portal by an Oof Button, which isn't addressed until a few episodes latter.
  • Fountain of Youth: One of the things Mario does is de-age Toad into a baby, so he can kick him.
  • Groin Attack: Luigi is on the receiving end of one thanks to a fish he reels in, but Susan's remote undoes this giving him a reprieve. Then Mario had the bright idea of using said remote to make it happen on repeat. Luigi is not pleased to experience this, to say the least.
  • God: While fleeing from Susan, Mario finds himself at the beginning of time, and meets Kawaiishima, creator of the universe.
  • MacGuffin: The Youtube Remote became the MacGuffin for the rest of the Story Arc.
  • Reality Warper:
    • The YouTube Remote, as its can screw with time, space, and reality itself.
    • Susan is also capable of this, after learning her remote had been stolen, slashes reality to create portals to travel in time and track down Mario.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Thanks to Mario, Meggy speaks in both English and Japanese while trying to order a hot dog. This gets undone at the end of the episode by Kawaiishima.
  • Time Stands Still: After over-heating the Remote, its proceeds to stop time for everything in the world except for Mario, and later, Susan.
  • Time Travel: Mario does this to escape Susan's wrath, traveling to various retro games, and even meeting (and killing with out any repercussions) himself.
