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Recap / Stories Of Sodor S 1 E 5 Goods

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Henry has always been the primary goods engine on Sodor. But when the Midis' new engine takes that away from him, the Nor'easters are forced to get a new recruit.

Tropes featured in this episode:

  • Always a Bigger Fish: Henry ends up getting this from Peter.
  • Chew-Out Fake-Out: Peter thinks Mr. Zorro would be angry with him about helping Edward, but Mr. Zorro instead congratulates his new engine.
  • Determinator: Even with bad water clogging his pipes, Edward didn't let that stop him from getting as far as Wellsworth.
  • First Appearance: Of Peter and Eric, in that order.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Invoked; when Henry drops off a train at Barrow, Edward explains that his destination is right next to the scrapyard, a place that all engines fear, thus Henry is quick to leave.
  • Token Good Teammate:
    • According to Edward, Donald and Douglas are the more amiable of the seven Midis, save for Douglas' rivalry with James.
    • Edward finds out Peter is this.
