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Recap / SMG4 - Christmas 2018: The Most Important Thing

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Bob learns what's most important to him... the hard way. This is the final episode of the Rapper Bob Arc.
Bob hits rock bottom just in time for Christmas. Realizing that his former friends don't want him back, Bob spends his holidays alone. However, someone else has something important to teach the Garo.

This is the 8th and final episode of the Rapper Bob Arc, as well as the Christmas Episode for 2018.

Upload date: December 22, 2018

  • Arc Words: "What is most important to you?"
  • Bait-and-Switch Silhouette: While Bob is at his dumpster home, someone who appears to be Waluigi in his villiain form comes up to him... then it's revealed to be normal Waluigi wearing a hat and holding a stick.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: It takes some self-introspection, a near-death realization and the sacrifice of his music career, but Bob finally understands his wrongdoings and makes it up to everyone. Most importantly he gets back his friendship with Boopkins.
  • Friend-or-Idol Decision: It takes a lot of time and effort for him to get there but Bob finally realizes that friends are more important to his happiness and he retires his rap career.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Waluigi has clearly changed since his villain arc and is fairly benevolent in this video in helping Bob to reform. However, he's not opposed to using extreme methods to make Bob realize what's important to him when Bob just doesn't understand what the former is trying teach him. He's also shown to have stolen Santa's sleigh and uses it as a getaway with his brother Wario.
  • Heroic BSoD: When his inital apology is rejected and he's told to leave Peach's Castle, Bob takes it hard. He goes to the garbage dump, and lays in the garbage, believing himself to be nothing more than the trash of the earth.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Mario of all people chewing out Bob is unexpectedly brutal but it's 100% warranted considering Bob's actions throughout this arc.
  • Must Make Amends: Bob tries to do this but the problem is just that he doesn't really know how. Lucky for him, Waluigi is willing to help.
  • My Life Flashed Before My Eyes: Bob as he careens down the cliff.
  • Ocular Gushers: Boopkins, when he hears Bob's reason for retiring. Bob gets them too when he receives his Christmas present from his friends.
  • Reformed, but Rejected: Bob. He eventually gets welcomed back at the end of the episode.
  • Sand In My Eyes: Bob's reaction to his Christmas gift from the main cast.
    Bob: (Crying vehemently) I swear I'm not crying, my eyeballs are just pissing!
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: Waluigi teaches Bob the most important thing by throwing him off a cliff and have him realize that his friends are what's most important before he makes impact with the ground below.
