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Recap / Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin - Chapter Four: The (Fe)Male Gaze

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As their two weeks in detention end, the girls strengthen their friendships when Imogen needs their support. Noa has an encounter with A.

Tropes featured in this episode:

  • Antagonistic Offspring: Downplayed. Noa evidently loves her mom, but after taking the rap for her drug bust only to learn that she's stealing patients' drugs and being chased by A for her sins leads her to report Marjorie to her hospital.
  • Chase Scene: When Noa gets chased by A throughout her apartment building, with it ending with her leaping from roof to roof to escape A.
  • Continuity Nod: The name of the patient whose meds Marjorie stole is "Caleb Rivers".
  • Female Gaze: Tabby intends to do this with her recreation of the shower scene in Psycho, with Faran as Marion Crane stabbing Greg in a shower scene that objectifies him, inverting the Male Gaze of the original scene. Chip filming the scene of Greg when Tabby gets triggered from seeing Greg, taking off his speedo without their consent, naked and leaves for a bit has her angry because it was meant to be filmed from a female perspective.
  • Final Girl: Tabby calls herself this as self-reassurance as she goes down to Imogen's dark, creepy basement.
  • Flashback: The episode begins with a flashback in 1999 with Marjorie smoking and then offering a cigarette to Angela, with them getting caught and Marjorie shoving the cigarette box into her hands and blaming it solely on Angela.
  • History Repeats: Marjorie pinned the blame on Angela for smoking on school grounds. She let her daughter take the rap for her drug bust, which got Noa sent to juvie. And she was willing to throw her daughter under the bus again when Sheriff Beasley inspects their apartment for drugs.
  • Orphan's Ordeal: Imogen works out her anger at her mom for all she put her through and abandoning her when she uses an Ouija Board at her old house with the Liars to try to contact her ghost, not believing that she has nothing to say and telling her "fuck you" and that she hates her.
  • Ouija Board: The girls use one at Imogen's old house to try to contact the ghost of her dead mom.
  • Psychological Projection: When Greg appears completely nude, Tabby claims that the reason she's so upset is because it's disrespectful to his costar Faran, but it's obvious that she's referring to herself, especially since Faran doesn't seem that bothered.
  • True Companions: The girls solidify themselves as this after spending two weeks in detention together, comforting Imogen when she works out her anger over her mom's death, telling her that she's wrong for saying she has no one and that they're here for her.
    Tabby: To quote "Chucky"... "Friends till the end."
