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Recap / Peg + Cat S1E20 "The Big Gig Problem"

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Peg, Cat, the Three Bears, the Three Little Pigs, and the Billy Goats Gruff are riding on a bus. Peg explains that their band, the Electric Eleven, is on tour, and that they will be playing the eponymous big gig for the 100 Chickens. They approach the farm, but Peg cannot see the address number 22. This worries Peg, but then she sees the number, which was being covered up by berries that Cat eats.

They set up the stage, and begin to rehearse with the Problem Solved song but Peg observes that Papa Bear is absent. She finds him in a hammock with the farmer, watching him whittle, and when she points out that they have to rehearse, he resigns.

Peg concludes that without Papa Bear, they'll have to change the name of the band. Unfortunately, Peg has forgotten what eleven minus one is, but Ramone comes along and teaches her how to subtract. However, when she changes the number on the banner from eleven to ten, everyone else has also left: the Pig is playing in the mud with the farm pig, one of the Billy Goats Gruff is grazing with the cow, Baby Bear is playing with the sheep, and the other two goats are playing with a chick on a violin. Then, the goat who was grazing with the cow starts to milk her.

Peg decides that nine missing band members is too many to compensate for, so she tries to bribe them with salty crackers. However, this doesn't work because the band members have food already, namely some of the farmer's food and vegetables. Peg tries to keep the show going without the others, counting down, changing the banner, and singing about what they others are doing.

Then, the 100 Chickens arrive, Ramone sets the stage, and the band mates come back. However, the farmer and a few of his animals want to join in too, changing the number from 11 to 23. Unfortunately, she forgets both to count the farmer and the number that comes after 23, prompting the freak-out scene. However, seeing Cat eating the berries reminds her of the fact that counting in the twenties is just like counting from one to nine.

With the situation resolved, the band sings about how many of them there are and about counting in the twenties, thirties, and up.

This episode provides examples of

  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Pig wears his sunglasses in this episode.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Even Peg herself doesn't know whether her fear is "stage fright" (i.e. she's nervous about performing and that made her forget the number), "counting fright" (i.e. she forgot the number for no reason and that's what scared her) or "chicken fright" (which only she knows the definition of).
  • Book Dumb: The hypothetical farmer who the farmer sings about can't count 30 + two.
  • Call-Back: The Electric Eleven, that was formed back in "The Three Bears Problem", features again and is a major part of the episode.
  • Chekhov's Skill: At the beginning, Peg tells us that counting in the twenties is just like from counting one to nine. She later forgets this, but remembers it at a crucial plot point.
  • Fear-Induced Idiocy: Zigzagged, where Peg is onstage and can't remember what number comes after 23, and is nervous. She doesn't know if her fear is stage fright or "chicken fright" and that's why she can't remember, or if she forgot the number for no reason and it's giving her "counting fright".
  • Filthy Fun: During the ending song, all the pigs, plus the cow, a sheep, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear, hang out in the mud.
  • Food as Bribe: When the band mates run away, Peg tries to goad them back with crackers. It doesn't work, since they have food already.
  • Furry Reminder: The Billy Goats Gruff normally act more like humans than goats, but in this episode, one of them drops down on all fours and grazes.
  • Idiot Ball:
    • Peg suddenly doesn't know what eleven minus one is, despite usually being much more mathematically competent than most kids her age (e.g. she could add one plus one when she was only a toddler, and she knows how to multiply by two and five).
    • Zigzagged for Peg forgetting what 23 plus one is. It's possible that she just froze up due to stage fright or "chicken fright", but she could have also forgotten it of her own accord and then gotten scared.
  • Messy Pig: The Pig and the farmer's pig play in the mud together. Later, the Pig's brothers do too, although at that stage, a bunch of other creatures are playing in the mud as well.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: After finding the house, Peg says, "And check this out— when you count 21, 22, 23, 24, it's just like counting one, two, three, four, but with a two in the front. That's so cool!".
  • Musicalis Interruptus: Peg interrupts the rendition of Problem Solved to point out that Papa Bear isn't present.
  • Performance Anxiety: Discussed when Peg suggests stage fright as a possible reason for her freezing up.
  • Pun: During a song about numbers, Peg sings, "That's what counts".
  • Solid Clouds: Cat walks on clouds during the final song.
  • Title Drop:
    • When Peg can't find the farm, she yells out, "This is a big gig problem!".
    • At the end of the song the protagonists sing about counting off the band members, Peg sings, "Peg plus Cat, just you and me."
  • Undying Loyalty: Cat is the only band member besides Peg herself not to drop out.
