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Recap / Peeking Through The Fourth Wall Episode 6

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Lincoln is back, and he's brought along Lori, Lana, Lisa, and Lily. Today, they are going to be reading The Night of Loneliness and Companionship, the first fanfic which is not written in script form, but rather in traditional prose.

We open on story Lincoln reading comics in the night, as the narrator explains that he and Lily are home alone, and that Lincoln is happy, but kind of lonely too. Then, the narrator goes on to explain that their sisters are away having sleepovers with their crushes, and that Lincoln is lonely because not only are they away, but Paige is on a trip to Washington DC, and Clyde has the flu.

Lana and Lily begin to tease Lincoln for reading in his underwear like the fanfic Lincoln is doing, even though, as Lincoln points out, Lily wears only a diaper, and fanfic Lincoln begins to tease the narrator for using big words like Lisa.

He then decides to go to bed, finding that comic-reading and narrator-teasing isn't enough to satisfy his loneliness, when he hears giggling coming from the other room that keeps getting louder. He gets out of bed to see who's giggling, even though, as Lisa points out, it has to be Lily since she's the only other one there.

Fanfic Lincoln walks over to Lisa and Lily's room, inexplicably terrified and wondering why it could be possible since Lisa is doing research with David at her sleepover and Lily has gone to bed (apparently, he doesn't realise that babies can wake up in the night).

Fanfic Lincoln keeps walking over to the laughter, which gets louder and louder, while the real Louds wonder if this is legitimately meant to be scary or not, since the title kind of proves that nothing scary is going to happen.

He goes into Lisa and Lily's room, only to find that it's gone quiet. He thinks he's scared the ghost away and goes to kiss Lily goodnight, but suddenly there's a loud roar and a bearlike figure jumps towards fanfic Lincoln. He's terrified and tries to reason with it, but it climbs on him. However, then it starts doing raspberries on him, revealing that it really was Lily all along and she simply had her teddy bear in front of her face.

Cuteness ensues as both the fanfic Lincoln and Lily and the real Lincoln and Lily play with and tickle each other. Lori pretends she's had enough, but sneakily runs back and tickles Lana. Lisa joins in and all five of them start roughhousing until they're out of breath.

At this point, fanfic Lincoln realises it's late but both he and Lily are sad to go, so he decides to take her into his room for the night.

And back on the couch, all the Louds have fallen asleep.

This episode provides examples of

  • Adaptational Dumbass: Fanfic Lincoln doesn't know who's laughing at night, even though it's obviously Lily since she's the only one there. He also doesn't think it's possible that she's woken up in the night, and mistakes her with her teddy bear for a monster.
    Lincoln: Okay, no. I don't care how dark it was; I wouldn't mistake a teddy bear for a monster. I'm not an idiot.
  • Audience? What Audience?: Lana briefly wonders who the audience are, then when she's told they're us, she says that she normally ignores us because we freak her out a bit.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: Defied when fanfic Lincoln is described as doing all he can not to pee himself in fear. Keep in mind, what he was scared of was Lily laughing.
  • Continuity Nod: Lincoln remembers finding out that Hunter didn't have experience with ghosts, which happened in "ARRGGH! You for Real?".
  • Facepalm: Everybody facepalms when fanfic Lincoln says, "You don't want to eat me?!" to Lily.
  • The Glasses Come Off: Lisa takes her glasses off before starting the play fight.
  • Go-to-Sleep Ending: Not only does the fanfic end with Lincoln and Lily going to bed, the actual episode ends with all the Loud siblings who were reading it asleep on the couch.
  • Hell Is That Noise: Fanfic Lincoln is absolutely terrified of the sound of Lily's laughing and gets more terrified the longer it goes on for.
  • Hypocrite: Lily joins in with Lana on laughing at Lincoln for reading in his undies, even though she herself wears only a diaper, which Lincoln points out.
  • Interactive Narrator: Fanfic Lincoln tells the narrator that henote  sounds like Lisa.
  • Mistaken for Murderer: When Fanfic Lincoln sees Lily and her teddy bear, he thinks she's a monster who wants to kill him.
  • Mistaken for Undead: Fanfic Lincoln at one point wonders if Lily's laughter is made by a ghost.
  • Never Trust a Title: Subverted. It looks like there's a monster attacking fanfic Lincoln despite the fic's pleasant-seeming title, but it turns out to just be an abnormally-loud Lily with her teddy bear.
  • No Indoor Voice: Fanfic Lily can somehow laugh in a booming way and roar, despite only being a baby.
  • No, You: When Lisa calls Lincoln a Miles Gloriosus, he says back, "You're a Melee Glory Ozone!".
  • Out Sick: Fanfic Clyde can't come over to hang with Lincoln because the former has the flu.
  • Pun: Lori (not Luan for a change) makes a pun by saying that fanfic Lisa and David's research probably has to do with chemistry.
  • "Scooby-Doo" Hoax: Fanfic Lily uses her teddy bear to pretend to be a bearlike monster to scare Lincoln. Somehow, it works.
  • Shout-Out: Apparently, Lincoln was scared of the Scooby-Doo movie when he was five.
