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Recap / PaPCAaMiPT Ch 45 "Beware the Butt Ghost!"

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Rainbow Dash unclogs the toilet and cleans the clouds. Pound, despite being in timeout, is laughing and likes staying with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash then tells Pound never to pee (or poop for that matter) on clouds or flush them again, and never to tell a soul about the day's events.

Pound is then picked up and the Apples bring both twins back. Pinkie Pie, upon hearing of Pumpkin and Winona's antics, remembers a time she acted like a puppy for Marble, which prompts Applejack to suggest Pinkie take the twins to visit her sisters and parents in Ponypalooza. Pinkie Pie thinks that maybe she will take them in the near future, and reveals that the toilet is now working.

That night, Pound needs to go to the bathroom again, this time for number two, and a voice claims that it lives in the toilet and watches ponies poop. This understandably disgusts Pound and the voice explains that it is the "butt ghost", who goes up ponies' butts and lives there when they sit on the toilet and disappears if they wipe.

Pound initially doesn't believe in ghosts, but then the ghost flushes the toilet, proving that it is a real ghost. Pound finishes his business and runs away.

The next morning, Pound tells Pumpkin, but she thinks he's lying as part of a prank. However, Pinkie Pie then screams from upstairs and proclaims that the butt ghost is real. She empties Pound's potty, which the butt ghost hates, and decides to contact Twilight and take the twins to Ponypalooza while the situation is being dealt with.

This chapter provides examples of

  • Ass Shove: The butt ghost "travels through butts", apparently.
  • Big "NO!": The butt ghost says, "Nooooo!" when Pinkie Pie empties Pound's potty.
  • Cassandra Truth:
    • Both twins initially don't believe in ghosts, so they think that the butt ghost and Pound are lying, when really they're telling the truth.
    • Igneous and Cloudy told Pinkie Pie about the butt ghost in the past, but she thought it was just a story they made up to frighten her into wiping thoroughly.
  • Eaten Alive: Discussed when Pound worries that the butt ghost will eat his butt.
  • Fun with Flushing: Discussed when Pound wants to flush Tank.
  • How Unscientific!: Downplayed. A ghost appears, and while ghosts are not seen in MLP, there is plenty of magic and other unrealistic stuff, so it's not that jarring.
  • Literal Ass-Kicking: Pound is concerned that the butt ghost will eat his butt.
  • Mistaken for Romance: Apparently, Applejack is convinced Big Mac has feelings for one of Pinkie Pie's sisters, when he doesn't.
  • Nature Tinkling: This is a follow-up to Pound peeing on the clouds.
  • Scare 'Em Straight: Pinkie Pie was told about the butt ghost, but she thought it was to scare her into wiping properly.
  • Screaming Woman: Pinkie Pie screams, proving to Pumpkin that the ghost is real.
