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Recap / NCIS S01E04

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Directed by Alan J Levi

Written by Darcy Meyers

Season 1, Episode 4:

The Immortals

The NCIS team investigates when a seaman's body is found at the bottom of the sea in his dress whites, with a ceremonial sword. They discover that he was addicted to a Wizards and Warriors style role-playing game. Now, the team must figure out how involved he was in the game and how far he would go to get revenge on his arch enemy, another sailor.
  • Death Notification: Kate's first, when she and Tony break the news to Petty Officer MacDonald's mother.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Tony says "I'm glad my parents pushed me into sports when I was in high school," as in plural. This was before DiNozzo Sr. debuted on the show, where it was established that Mrs. DiNozzo kicked the bucket when Tony was only eight.
  • Foreign-Language Tirade: Tony disguises himself as a petty officer and gets a Puerto Rican woman to sell him an officer's sword. When he reveals himself as NCIS, she bombards him with a barrage of Spanish invectives.
  • Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game: Turns out MacDonald, the dead sailor, was a frequenter of one titled The Immortals. Abby uses it to get information on the case
  • Red Alert:
    Gibbs: Skipper, I have reason to believe a bomb, possibly containing a biological agent, is set to detonate aboard this ship by sunset.
    Captain: How real do you think that threat is?
    Gibbs: (flatly) Very real.
    Captain: (immediately turns around to face the XO) Sound General Quarters. Deploy the flying squad, start with the ventilation systems, and alert sickbay to the situation and have them stand by.
