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Recap / My Hero Academia S 6 E 19 Full Power

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You either die a Spider-Man, or you live long enough to see yourself become a Batman. At least this Hero didn't have to die, or lose any family members, to get where he is today.


  • Avengers Assemble: The end of the flashback and episode shows Izuku joining the Top 3 Pros [Best Jeanist, Hawks, and Endeavor] and the retired All Might.
  • Achilles' Heel: Implied that Muscular has a soft spot within his layers of muscle that Deku was able to strike, successfully bringing him down after the Villain's extra layers start to wear.
  • Big Damn Hero: Deku rescues Grand before he is crushed by Muscular.
  • Blood Knight: Muscular reveals himself to be this, not interested in any sympathy, pity or reason for why he became a Villain in the first place. He just loves the thrill of violence, regardless who gets in his way.
  • The Bus Came Back: Ketsubutsu Academy students Yo Shindo/Grand and Tatami Nakagame/Turtle Neck return since the Licensing Exam back in Season 3.
  • But Now I Must Go: Izuku officially makes this decision to leave U.A. Now that Shigaraki has a way to track him, he is worried that more of his friends will be at risk if he returns.
  • Curbstomp Battle: Shindo/Grand has a lot of trouble fighting Muscular due to the Villain's Pump Up Quirk. Muscular himself is easily beaten by Deku soon after.
  • Defeat as Backstory: Muscular explains how he has been itching for a rematch against Midoriya since his defeat at the U.A. training camp. He makes it clear that it's not out for revenge, but from the excitement of someone actually managing to overpower him.
  • Dramatic Irony: A heartbreaking example, when All Might and All For One fought last time, Inko Midoriya put her foot down and said she won't be sending Izuku back to UA, out of concern for his safety, but ultimately relented when All Might promised to look after her little boy. Now, Izuku himself announces that he would be dropping out of UA in order to keep his loved ones safe. Inko is devastated, because UA is the one place that is trying to make arrangements to keep everyone there safe. She protests but again relents after Izuku reassures her that he would be alright.
  • Everyone Has Standards: The citizens who give Shindo a hard time aren't going to just let him die. They prepare to risk their lives in an attempt to save him from Muscular, despite Shindo warning them earlier that they would be slaughtered. Once Deku rescues him, they help take Shindo to a hospital.
  • Hard Truth Aesop: Izuku already understands some Villains feel that don't have have a choice in what they do because of their past or how their Quirk operates. They can be talked to in order to calm the situation. That said, some simply want to cause chaos and violence because they want to, such as Muscular, and have to be stopped.
  • Internal Reveal: Like he did with his classmates, Izuku lets All Might explain to his mom the truth about his Quirk, and how her son being initially Quirkless allowed him to handle it better than their predecessors.
  • Loophole Abuse: After hearing that Midoriya wants to save Shigaraki, but may kill him as a last resort, Gran Torino tells him that said "last resort" can be necessary in saving people like him.
  • Mood Whiplash: The extremely emotional scene of Izuku comforting his mother after planning to drop out of UA and All Might promising to stay by his protégé's side is followed by Best Jeanist holding a phone in an odd manner while a baffled looking Hawks in the background mutters that he is trying to act cool even when he is on the phone.
  • Mythology Gag: Part of Deku's advanced costume includes a set of "Mid-Gauntlet", compression based support items imported from the United States before travel and shipping was restricted. They are likely based on the "Full Gauntlet" glove Melissa Shield lent to him during the Two Heroes movie.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Deku uses the 6th User's Quirk for One For All this episode; a Smokescreen Quirk that allows him to produce smoke from his body and limit others' field of vision. The User warns him to take better control or it will only hinder him more than help.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore: As established for the past few episodes, some citizens stubbornly choose to protect themselves instead of evacuating and relying on Heroes they once had faith in. This is the reason why Shindo and Nekagame have trouble convincing a group to leave with Muscular approaching. Much of Japan is in disarray after a lot of Pro Heroes and their agencies shut down and legions of Villains are on the loose, so their lack of confidence in otherwise more skilled Hero School students is somewhat valid.
  • The Reveal: The yellow scarf Deku wears is revealed to have been passed down by a bedridden Gran Torino, who wishes him luck in hunting down AFO and Shigaraki.
  • Spanner in the Works: Grand actually did more damage to Muscular than he would have thought. The Villain took much of his Vibration Quirk which weakened his muscle layers. Deku noticed this and was able to deal a critical hit.
  • Title Drop: Deku says the episode title after defeating Muscular, implying his current power is the most he can handle right now.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Deku demonstrates how far he has come with One For All by easily defeating Muscular, the villain who previously almost crippled him in their first match, without incurring so much as a scratch and limiting the amount of property damage he could commit to boot. This is even reflected in his costume which has given him a slightly more intimidating "Dark Hero" look.
  • Unexplained Recovery: A downplayed example, but a doctor tells Izuku that despite injuring himself once again, his limbs have miraculously survived this time around thanks to his Quirk reinforcing them. It can be implied that One For All was doing a good job protecting him, inside and out, while he fought Shigaraki.
  • The Worf Effect: Muscular recognizes Izuku when he attacked the boy's training camp, and how he was looking forward to a rematch ever since. Unfortunately for him, Deku demonstrates the difference between the boy he was back then, who almost killed himself to stop him, and the Hero he has now become after months of training and fighting numerous other Villains, taking down Muscular with less effort.
