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Recap / Murder She Wrote S 9 E 4 The Wind Around The Tower

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Written by: J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by: Walter Grauman

While being visitors at an estate in Ireland, Jessica and her friend are convinced that their host's demise is not from natural causes.


  • Chekhov's Gun: Several.
    • A perfume bottle Jessica notices in the Gillen household. It's from a new line that just hit the town shelves, and the clerk says no one besides Jessica bought one. She hypothesizes her boss took one for a lady friend, and Jessica notes that it's a suggestive present to give a married woman. He turns out to have been involved with Mrs. Gillen, who needed him to obtain the nitrogen used to kill her husband.
    • The infamous Screaming Lady spirit heard in the house, which some characters also claim to have seen, sometimes appearing as a man or a woman.
    • The video of Neal in his study before his death showed him having to relight his cigar an unusual number of times. Nitrogen doesn't burn, and the room was filling with nitrogen gas.
  • Continuity Nod: Sean Culhane is on sabbatical from his teaching position in the same school Jessica teaches in.
  • Gas Chamber: The method of murder for this episode is the victim's own study which was slowly filled with nitrogen.
  • Gold Digger: One of the locals claims that Anne lured Neal away from his first wife and only wanted his money.
  • Near-Villain Victory: Mrs. Gillen almost succeeds in convincing Jessica and Sean that Neal died of a heart attack or aneurysm with the video tape of his last night. Then Sean mentions Jessica's perfume and Jessica remembers seeing the same perfume on Mrs. Gillen's dresser, reviving her suspicions.
  • Together in Death: The backstory of the house involves a woman and her husband, a sea captain who built the tower for her so she could watch him come home. One stormy night, as she watched, his ship crashed and sank with all hands. Distraught, she threw herself from the tower to join her husband.
  • You Just Told Me: Jessica closes the door to Neal's study and tells Mrs. Gillen that she thinks she found something that would prove her husband was murdered, turning on the light and leafing through the book Neal was reading when he died. Mrs. Gillen makes a number of excuses not to stay in the room and becomes hysterical when she can't get the door open. For some reason, she then pounces on the desk lamp, turning it off. Jessica purposely set things up to prove that Mrs. Gillen knew the desk lamp triggered a Deadly Gas.
