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Recap / Men In Black The Series S 3 E 9 The Out To Pasture Syndrome

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  • Astral Projection: Alpha reveals one of his new powers is an alien version of this, though Zed initially thinks it's just a Hologram.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Jay and Zed team up to fight Alpha off.
  • Badass Boast: "Did you really believe you could outwit me? You see, Zed, I possess the combined intellect of four superior races and the brute force of one stupid one. You're out of your league, old boy."
  • The Bait: Elle says that Jay was this but the latter turns it around and says that Zed is the real bait, he's just the messenger.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Thanks to Jay, all of Alpha's alien parts are destroyed, leaving him a regular, if deformed human.
  • Came Back Strong: With his current body breaking apart due to frostbite, Alpha needed replacement parts. By harvesting parts from a prison-ship full of high-level criminals, he becomes more powerful than ever.
  • The Con: Zed retires from the MIB and is neuralyzed. Alpha decides to take advantage of this to exact revenge on Zed. Scanning Jay's memories reveals that Zed is in Antarctica. Zed hasn't actually retired, though, the MIB just wants to lure Alpha into a location where they can monitor him.

  • Cruel Mercy: Zed and MIB decide to keep Alpha in lockup rather than giving the satisfaction of being destroyed.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Jay feels like this throughout the episode ever since Zed retired. He still feels this a bit at the end where, even though he's praised for his actions in bringing in Alpha, he's still not allowed to drive the LTD.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: This episode is probably the most violent in the series as Alpha has committed several mutilations upon humans and aliens. The fisherman in the beginning probably has it the worse.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Alpha's cyclops eye would be his downfall.
  • Lured into a Trap: MIB's plan was to have Zed be the bait to lure Alpha into one. However, Alpha was more than ready for this.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: The MIB gets wiped out by Alpha. This would give them an idea next time when they think carefully about keeping Jay Locked Out of the Loop.
  • Mind Probe: One of Alpha's new alien parts is a brain with the ability to read minds without the need for interrogation.
  • Mind Rape: Alpha intends to obtain all of MIB's secrets from Zed before killing him.
  • The Mole: Alpha mentions to Jay that he learned about Zed's retirement from Frank the Pug. Elle later reveals that he was in on the scheme as well.
  • No Holds Barred Beat Down: Surprisingly, Jay completely pummels Alpha despite he being a colossal brute.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Alpha is placed in a chamber that allows no movement. That in turn is in the most secure cell MIB has, with blasters trained on him and a series of metal doors.
  • So Proud of You: Zed commends Jay for his performance. Still won't let him drive the LTD, though.
  • Spanner in the Works: Jay wasn't told the plan so that Alpha wouldn't find out when reading his mind. However, Jay had noticed that Zed didn't have a glassy-eyed expression when neuralized, which is how Alpha anticipates the trap.
  • Spotting the Thread: After Elle exlains that Zed's retirement was a plot to lure Alpha into a trap, Jay recalls how he noticed that Zed's eyes didn't have the same glassy look that one get's after bein neurolized. Elle quickly realizes that if Jay noticed this, then Alpha, who read Jay's mind, would too.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: The poor fisherman who triggered the episode by bringing Alpha back up from the ice.
  • Villain Ball: During the climax, Alpha has surrounded Jay and Zed with astral copies of himself, but he offers to give them a sporting chance rather than attack while they're distracted. It leads to his defeat.
  • Wham Line: When Jay mentions that the Worms got a new coffee machine during his complaint that he feels he's getting the short end of the stick, Kay cuts him off with this line:
    "Hold on, Slick. I didn't order a coffee machine".
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Jay yells at Elle, and rightfully so, about how she and the rest of MIB used him as a patsy to get Alpha.
  • When Life Gives You Lemons...: When the Worms console Jay over losing Kay as a partner due to his promotion, Jay isn't bothered, saying he'll make lemonade out of the lemons life gave him. Due to being coffee-lovers, the analogy disgusts the Worms.
