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Recap / Lucifer (2016) S04E08 "Super Bad Boyfriend"

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Chloe, Lucifer, and Ella investigate the murder of a high school teacher. Amenadiel is anxious about becoming a dad, and when he meets Caleb, a teenage boy, he tries to bond with him in an effort to learn to be a good father. Caleb is a somewhat troubled teen, however, since he's selling drugs— and after Caleb is arrested for (seemingly) having murdered the teacher, things spiral out of control.

Meanwhile, after Chloe tells Lucifer of the prophecy that evil will come to Earth when the Devil finds his first love while on Earth (Lucifer interprets "first love" as Eve), Lucifer wants to break up with Eve. This proves to be harder than he thought.

Also, a heavily pregnant Linda is giving Lucifer and Eve relationship therapy, and Maze is looking for a long-term relationship with someone (thinking that will make her a better god-parent) through online dating.

Tropes present in the episode include:

  • Academic Alpha Bitch: Lexy Shaw takes this trope to literally murderous extremes.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Not that Amenadiel needed it, but Dan prevents two cops from shooting him.
  • Comically Missing the Point: The thing Eve gets out of "When the Devil walks the Earth and meets his first love, evil shall be released" is that Lucifer loves her. He promptly lampshades her therefore overjoyed reaction to it with a "How did you get that out of it?"
  • Dirty Cop: The cops who come to arrest Caleb act overly violent towards him, as well as Amenadiel when he tries to stop them; it's all but stated that the cops were racially prejudiced.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: After kissing Ella to distract her from looking into the Tiernan case (as it was revealed to her that a cop, i.e. Dan, was the one who tipped Tiernan off about Lucifer), Dan gets drunk and tries to goad Maze into beating him up from the guilt of it.
  • Expy: The first date Maze goes on is basically with... Maze. They look alike, have the same fashion sense, the other woman has the closest thing to Maze's old job that modern society probably has (prison guard), both love to fight, and have the same blunt, casual approach to everything. When Maze rejects her at the first opportunity, it's obvious how the rest of her attempts to find outside relationships are likely to go.
  • Heel Realization: Seeing how the accomplice (a fundamentally decent kid) did bad things out of a misguided sense of loyalty to his girlfriend is what makes Lucifer finally realize that Eve's been a bad influence on him.
  • His Own Worst Enemy: Lucifer's body has been transforming into something more monstrous as a result of his own self-loathing and hatred.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: What Amenadiel comes to see humans as.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Maze's 20th date is a scrawny man who considers himself an equal to Maze, and he decides their relationship won't work out.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • Lucifer finds out that his sister, archangel Remiel, visited Earth because Amenadiel tells him; this is something the viewer already knows from watching the last two episodes.
    • Lucifer is told of the prophecy by Chloe— a prophecy he didn't know of, but the viewer heard Father Kinley tell Chloe in the last episode.
  • It's All My Fault: Lucifer finally comes to the conclusion that everything that has been happening to him, particularly his devil wings and his devil face, is not a result of God's manipulations but of his own burning self-hatred.
  • Kick the Dog: The drug dealer had Caleb killed for quitting on him, even though Amenadiel had already paid him off as promised.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently Amenadiel once hit a bridge while flying.
  • Not Helping Your Case: Invoked by Lucifer. He deliberately uses the wrong words to Linda to try and get Linda to break him and Eve up. It ends with Linda and Eve bonding over Lucifer's flaws.
  • Oh, Crap!: Lucifer can only do this at the end of the intro when Eve, deliberately missing the point of the prophecy, refuses to break up with him.
    Eve: I promise you that I will never, ever, ever... give up on you. You know why?
    Lucifer: ...surprise me.
    Eve: 'Cause I love you too!
    Lucifer: ...shit.
  • Online Alias: Much like the Vanity Plate on Lucifer's Corvette, both Eve and Lucifer end up getting fitting gamertags when they play Killer Instinct on the XBox One during the "bad husband" monstage. It qualifies as a Freeze-Frame Bonus, with the screen only being visible for a couple of seconds. Eve's is F1rstWoman, while Lucifer goes for MFNDevil. And rather appropriately for the Devil, Lucifer was playing as Cinder.
  • Please Dump Me: This is the crux of Lucifer's plot for the episode, with him desperately trying to get Eve to dump him after finding out the prophecy. It doesn't work, as Eve just joins in with everything he's been doing to drive her away.
  • Poke the Poodle: The majority of Lucifer's attempts at being a bad boyfriend are having people over for football and ignoring Eve while playing video games, rather than make any attempts at being an actual bad boyfriend.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner
    Amenadiel: I know who did this.
    Lucifer: I'll drive.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Amenadiel embarks on one when the teenager he was mentoring is killed.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Caleb finally stops selling drugs and beats the murder charge against him, but ends up dead just as he was about to turn his life around.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: Dan kisses Ella to get her to stop talking about the fact that it was a cop who told Jacob Tiernan Lucifer broke his son's back, because he is the cop in question.
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!: Caleb calls Amenadiel out for thinking his name will be cleared when he points out the mostly white cops believe he's guilty for being a black kid who sold drugs.
    Caleb: What kind of bullshit, fantasy world do you be living in, man? I mean, look what happened to you. You didn't even do anything and you almost got shot. The only truth that matters is theirs.
  • Swiss-Cheese Security: Lampshaded after 4 seasons of people walking in and out of the Lux when it's supposed to be closed.
    Lucifer: God, I really need to put a lock on that elevator.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Dan is offended when Amenadiel accuses him of being racist just for saying Caleb "looks guilty", when he's talking about the evidence against Caleb.
