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Recap / Little Witch Academia 2017 Bee Affection

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Akko and the Gang hear of a party hosted by Andrew that Diana will be attending, and decide to crash the party. While there, they encounter a magic Bee whose sting acts as a love potion, and must catch it

Originally entitled "Bee Commotion," the episode was renamed "Bee Affection" on Netflix.


  • Art Shift: The characters are drawn in shoujo style when bitten by the bee.
  • Faint in Shock: Hannah and Barbara faint after seeing Andrew, and later Diana, suddenly being affectionate to Akko after initially being cold to her.
  • Love Potion: The Cupid Bee acts like this as its sting can cause its victim to fall in love with the nearest target to them.
  • Out-of-Character Alert: Akko was quick to notice that something was off when Andrew literally went from trying to kick her out to suddenly proclaiming her love for her.
  • Ship Tease: Parodied. As the Cupid Bee causes anyone it stings to fall in love with whomever they see immediately afterward. The bee stings two characters (Andrew and Diana), causing them to fall for the protagonist, Akko, until the bee's spell is broken. It also stings Andrew's friend, Frank, who falls for Akko's friend, Lotte, and for added hilarity stings Diana again so that she ends up falling in love with her own reflection. In keeping with the true spirit of the trope, though, both Andrew and Frank have some lingering affection for their respective love target after the spell is broken.
  • Shipper on Deck:
    • Lotte and Sucy ended up teasing Akko regarding her possible feelings towards Andrew.
    • A crowd of party goers comment that Diana and Andrew would make a cute couple upon noticing their playful expressions while the two were snarking at each other. Andrew and Diana laugh off the idea, due to conflicting views on magic.
  • Tempting Fate: Hannah and Barbara probably shouldn't had pushed in the fact that Akko and co are uninvited to Andrew's party and will never be able to go. After all, Akko has never been one to settle for no.
  • Uniformity Exception: Akko and Lotte get colorful ballroom gowns and Sucy gets a black cape with demon horns.
  • Uninvited to the Party: Akko, Lotte and Sucy end up crashing Andrew's party in an attempt to one up Diana and her Girl Posse.
  • Wall Pin of Love: Andrew pins Akko to the wall shortly after being stung by the Cupid Bee. Instead of being charmed though, she freaks out and runs off.
  • We Need a Distraction: In order to get into the manor, Akko ends up making a squirrel grow into a giant in order to scare off the guards.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Or more specifically, what happened to that giant squirrel? As it never appears afterwards.
