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Recap / Life Is Strange 2 Ep 05 Wolves

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It initially looks as if Sean and Daniel have started to live in a canyon, but then it's revealed that they're just camping there, and that they've been living with their mother Karen at the hermit town Away for the past seven weeks. They return to Away and Sean returns the telescope they borrowed from Arthur and Stanley, while Daniel helps the local artist Joan out with a heavy sculpture. Sean can take part in a scavenger hunt that Daniel set up for him before Karen comes back from shopping in the local town, with David Madsen, a fellow resident from Away. Karen suggests they go camping again that night, which is when she explains that she heard that the police were closing in on Sean and Daniel's location, and that they'll need to leave Away as soon as they can.

Karen gives the brothers her car, some supplies and what cash she can spare before they leave, and after hugging Daniel is able to get a hug from Sean too if he wishes to. With that, the brothers leave, and Daniel begins to express his doubts about going to Mexico as he can't speak the language, while Sean reassures him that he can teach him when they're there. They reach the border, an unmanned stretch of wall, and Daniel is able to use his powers to tear open a hole for them to drive through. However he's shot before they can get back to the car, by a pair of vigilantes who mistakenly think that Sean and Daniel have just crossed over into America, rather than trying to leave for Mexico. A real cop arrives and arrests all of them, though he does show a lot of compassion towards Sean before realising just who he is (and even then is firm but not rude or cruel to him).

Sean comes to in a jail cell at the local police department, which he shares with an immigrant couple that he can speak to in Spanish. The vigilantes are in the neighbouring cell and will shout abuse at them until Officer Campbell intervenes, taking Sean away for questioning. They're interrupted by the lights starting to flicker and Officer Campbell is knocked out as Daniel breaks his way into the room, a little weak from having been shot but able to use his powers to help himself and Daniel escape. They're able to jump back into Karen's car and once again aim for the border. Unfortunately, the law has caught up with them, and there are police officers and cars blocking their route.

It's up to Sean to decide how the story of the Wolf Brothers ends; whether they break through the barrier and head to Mexico, or if they stay and turn themselves in.

Tropes featured in this episode of Life Is Strange 2:

  • Bittersweet Ending:
    • “Redemption” sees Sean turning himself in at the border so that Daniel can lead a normal life with his grandparents. But being in prison for fifteen years has a devastating effect on Sean, and while the brothers do meet up to go camping, poor Sean ends up breaking down into tears while Daniel is clearly worried about him.
    • “Parting Ways” sees Daniel turning himself in at the border, so Sean can escape to Mexico. While both Sean and Daniel go on to have decent lives, Sean is shown happy and free with either Finn or Cassidy or even by himself, and Daniel gets to grow up with his grandparents and Chris, the brothers are separated and will most likely remain that way for a very long time.
    • “Blood Brothers” has both Sean and Daniel escaping to Mexico. Unfortunately, they need to become criminals in order to make a living for themselves, though at least they're able to be together.
  • Downer Ending: Lone Wolf, hands down. Daniel forces him and Sean through the border against the latter's wishes, killing a good few cops along the way as they fire on the car. They get through, but Daniel doesn't realize Sean has been hit until it's too late. Sean chokes on his own blood from his wound to the throat and dies horribly, with Daniel bawling in grief. Six years later, Daniel can be seen on a beach in Puerto Lobos, now a teenaged criminal mourning over his brother's grave. As he does so, three gangsters try giving him trouble. He uses his powers to blow two away and hold the leader's gun up to his face, scaring him off. Daniel has grown up in a country in which he doesn't speak the language and has had to turn to crime to survive, without a father and brother of which the latter's death was basically his fault. The only remotely positive takeaway from this ending is Daniel's newfound penchant for art adopted from Sean.
  • The Hero Dies: During the Lone Wolf ending, Sean is killed when they cross the border, forcing Daniel to leave for Mexico alone.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: One ending can see Sean turning himself into the authorities in order for Daniel to lead a normal life, while another can have Daniel forcing the car through the barrier to get Sean to Mexico, while turning himself into the authorities so Sean can lead a normal life.
  • Instant Death Bullet: Should Sean die during the ending, but understandable as he's shot in the throat.
  • Taking the Heat: Sean will take the blame for Officer Matthews' death in “Redemption” and faces fifteen years in prison for it, even when he actually had very little to do with it.
  • Together in Death: If Finn died at the end of Wastelands after Sean romanced him, and if Sean dies in the Lone Wolf ending, then arguably they're this.
  • Video Game Caring Potential:
    • How badly Officer Campbell is hurt depends on Daniel's morality. This also effects Daniel's reaction when Sean checks to see if the man is okay.
    • Sean and Daniel can free the immigrant couple while escaping from the police department. They can also free the vigilantes, though they won't leave either way.
    • When fighting their way through the department, a Daniel with high morality will avoid badly hurting or killing the officers that try to stop them.
    • If Sean decides to still try to get to Mexico and Daniel has a high morality, Daniel will make sure that Sean gets through the barrier, but jumps out of the car at the last minute to hand himself in.
    • Sean can decide to hand himself in, so that Daniel can lead a normal life.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential:
    • Daniel can torture the vigilante couple that shot him, though a Daniel with high morality will refuse to do so.
    • Daniel can end up killing a lot of the officers standing in their way during the escape if his morality is low.
    • If Daniel has low morality and Sean tries to turn himself in, Daniel will force the car through the barrier anyway, hurting and even killing countless officers. Sean then gets shot and killed during the chaos.
