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Recap / Kamen Rider X

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  1. X-X-X-Rider is Born!!
  2. Run, Cruiser! X-Rider!!
  3. Assassination Dark Spider Operation!!
  4. G.O.D., the Shadow of Fear!!
  5. The One-Eyed Monster's Human Review Operation!
  6. The Japanese Islands Fragmentation Plan!
  7. The Terrible Genius Human Project!
  8. Mystery!? Little Earth - Middle Earth - Big Earth
  9. X-Rider's Great Deadly Training
  10. G.O.D. Secret Police! Apollogeist!!
  11. The Invulnerable Water Snake Monster Hydra!
  12. Sweep the ESPer Girl Away!
  13. G.O.D. Radamus's Great Prophecy!
  14. Apollogeist's Mad Insect Underworld
  15. G.O.D.'s Secret Base! X-Rider Sneaks In!!
  16. Counterattacking Apollogeist! X-Rider in Danger!!
  17. Scary! Humans are Being Made into Books!!
  18. Scary! It's G.O.D.'s Cat Disguise Operation!!
  19. The Corpses at the Ghost Mansion Call!!
  20. A Ghost!? The Mysterious Snake Man Appears!!
  21. Apollogeist's Last General Attack!!
  22. The Terrible Great Giant! King Dark Appears!!
  23. King Dark! The Demon's Invention!!
  24. Revenge Demon Geronimo! The Silent Attack!!
  25. The Mysterious Thief, Rhinocerous Beetle Lupin!!
  26. Underworld's Dictator, Starfish Hitler!!
  27. Special Edition, Full Force of Five Riders!!
  28. Look! X-Rider's Great Transformation!!
  29. Deathmatch!! X-Rider vs. X-Rider!!
  30. I Want Blood! The Monster of the Corpse Swamp!!
  31. Stand! King Dark!!
  32. Showdown! King Dark vs. X Rider
  33. Fear! King Dark's Revenge!!
  34. The Weapon of Terror Aims at Three Riders!!
  35. Farewell, X-Rider

