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Recap / Kamen Rider Revice, Episode 1: Family! Treaty! Whispering Demon at the Ready!

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Family! Treaty! Whispering Demon at the Ready!

Original Airdate: September 5, 2021
Written by: Hanta Kinoshita
Directed by: Takayuki Shibasaki

It has been 50 years since the discovery of the Giff Stamp, a mysterious stamp that can release the inner demon from one's body by forming a contract with it. The Deadmans, a demon-worshipping cult, brilliantly appeals to their followers to release the demons in their bodies in an attempt to revive the Giff mummy found in the ruins. At Fenix, a government agency organized to protect the public peace from the Deadmans, researcher George Karizaki has developed the Revice System to oppose them.

Meanwhile, Ikki Igarashi is busy running the public bathhouse, Happy Spa. Although he takes care of regular customers, he is burdened by his own berserk inner demon. During an important day when his younger brother Daiji becomes a captain of Fenix, Ikki gets caught up in a terrible uproar at Daiji's inauguration, coming to terms and forging a pact with his inner demon...!


  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Daiji is so embarrassed by his family yelling waving a big flag at his inauguration ceremony to the point that he denies any relation to them when a fellow soldier asked about them.
  • Apocalyptic Log: The ill-fated 71's dig that found the Giff mummy and the first demon-contracting Giff Stamp was recorded via a camera. The footage is then shown to explain the backstory by George in the present day.
  • Appropriated Appellation: Vice takes his name after George calls him Kamen Rider Vice; previously he had been Ikki's unnamed inner demon.
  • As You Know: George explains the story behind the Deadmans Cult and their motives to his superior at Fenix, who should be aware of this. It serves as an appropriately dramatic intro to his newest invention, Revice Driver.
  • The Cameo: New Japan Pro-Wrestling wrestler Minoru Suzuki appears as a criminal kidnapped by the Deadmans, becoming the host for the Mammoth Deadman.
  • Cool Airship: A huge white airship belonging to Fenix can be seen.
  • Foreshadowing: Later revelations about the people the Igarashi family brought with them, in addition to Yukimi herself, are hinted at as early as this episode when you observed the body language and facial expressions from them when Ikki first dons his Driver and then transforms into a Kamen Rider.
  • From Bad to Worse: Hiromi's failed attempt to transform causes a Rex Deadman to be summoned from himself, which also begins to attack humans.
  • Punched Across the Room: Yukimi got punched by the Mammoth Deadman, though it just leaves her hospitalized.
    • Vice in his materialized form does this to the Rex Deadman.
  • Refusal of the Call: Ikki returns the Revice System to George after using it in his first fight.
  • Skewed Priorities: After Yukimi awakens in the hospital after being injured by the Mammoth Deadman's attack, she immediately asks her family who's worried about her about their bathhouse.
