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Recap / Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail: The Fog Car Pt4

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Tensions flare and the components for the ritual start going against Walter's plans.

  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The horrible truths Hop learns after getting sanity smacked back into him are that he'll probably be on the train for at least a year (because his number went up to 1090), he won't be able to talk or see anyone he cares about back home unless he has his phone (per how Chloe's done it), and that his jealousy over Ash getting Leon's attention has made Delia dislike him on sheer principle.
  • And Then John Was a Zombie: As part of him succumbing to the role of Destruction, Simon transforms into a dragon.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Hop is sweet and kind but he repeatedly uses his tentacles to hit The Bogeyman onto the ground after realizing how Alex tricked him.
  • Breaking Old Trends: Most previous chapters focused on both the Train and the Pokémon World, but this is the first chapter that focuses solely on The Fog Car.
  • Buffy Speak: Chloe calls The Bogeyman a "black pyramid thing", like how James Sunderland initially called Pyramid Head a "red pyramid thing".
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • It's mentioned in the Prelude to Act 2 that Hop's Wooloo has a friendship bracelet on his leg. Delirium seeing it on Dubwool helps him calm down and return him to Hop.
    • The ring Chloe chose in "The Curry Car" specifically had the seal of Focalor, the demon who can summon wind and storms. Perfect for when Chloe is surrounded by fire.
  • Disaster Dominoes: Simon turning into Destruction heavily leads to a domino effect that ruins Walter and Henry's work for the Cage of Flauros.
  • Dragons Are Demonic: Destruction certainly is.
  • The Final Temptation: Walter offers one of these to Simon, both to ascend to something beyond human, and so that he can finally become the perfect being he's deluded himself into thinking he is.
  • Four Is Death: This is the fourth part of The Fog Car Saga, and while it's more figurative than literal, death plays a significant part in this chapter:
    • The Apex's ignorance regarding their entire situation dies when Walter explains everything to them, including how some Denizens used to be humans. Simon, as a character, also effectively dies when he becomes Destruction.
    • Hop and Alex's brotherly relationship breaks, or "dies", when the former finally regains his senses and becomes rightfully pissed off at what the latter did.
    • Sean's death not only gets shown again, but its circumstances are finally revealed, ending once and for all to at least a few people the misconception that Paul left him to die on purpose.
  • From Bad to Worse: The Chapter. If there's any point in the story where things really go to hell, it's this one.
    • Chloe begins fighting only Delirium, but it doesn't take long before the Bogeyman joins the fray. Then Chloe has to drop the bombshell of Ash Ketchum, causing Delirium to lose it.
    • Grace and Simon learn the truth about the Denizens they've killed, which is bad enough. But then Simon falls for The Final Temptation and becomes Destruction.
    • Said awakening is also an example of this, as it causes Dream to panic and his power to go haywire, affecting the entire apartment.
    • Everyone learning what Paul did to be broken into Despair and that he accidentally let a child drown.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • Grace and Simon learn the truth about Sean's fate and that the denizens were once humans.
    • Grace learns about Hazel's origins.
    • Everyone in the Quatro, several cage components, and Walter learn that Sean's death was in self-defense and Paul covering for Electivire.
  • Ironic Echo: When Delirium asks if Chloe has any last words she starts saying "Ffff" to which he replies, "Don't say anything naughty". After Chloe summons Focalor, Delirium mutters "What the f-", to which Chloe knocks him over the head with Cheshire.
    Chloe: Don't say anything naughty.
  • It Only Works Once: The author notes for the chapter reveals that Chloe can only summon each demon once with her mark.
  • Killing in Self-Defense: Downplayed; Paul had no intention to let a child die when he had Electvire Thunder Punch Sean when the Apex kid tried to attack him, but Sean ends up drowning due to Paul's actions.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Grace has one when it hits her how her creating the Apex has lead to a massive amount of shit pressing down on her.
    • Paul in the flashback is horrified in that he just let a boy drown in Lake Toluca. Electivire also is scared that his Thudner Punch was the cause of it.
  • Rule of Symbolism: Simon transforms into a dragon and captures Chloe who he always calls "a princess".
    • Moreover, said dragon is the embodiment of Destruction, and his awakening effectively unleashes a domino effect that slowly but surely begins destroying the Cage of Flauros: while Hop breaking out of Delirium was a coincidence, Dream's powers going out of control is implied to be thanks to his awakening, and Despair's true story is revealed, rendering his transformation All for Nothing.
  • Tempting Fate: In the flashback that revealed how Paul got stuck in Silent Hill, he walked away after asking Electivire to Thunder Punch Sean into Lake Toluca (because Sean tried to attack them first, under the assumption that Electirie was a Null), because he thinks that Sean was kidding when he said he couldn't swim. Seconds alter, Sean screams for his mother and that's when he realizes that this is the truth.
  • That Came Out Wrong: When Alex explains that Henry likes to initiate "skin-to-skin contact" with Alain, everyone in the vicinity looks disgusted at what that sounds like. Alex then has to explain that Henry cuddles Alain.
  • Transhuman Treachery: Simon willingly becomes Destruction, a big black dragon, and abandons his humanity.
  • Wham Episode: Chloe is able to free Hop from his role as Delirium, Simon succumbs to Destruction, almost everyone learns the truth about what happened to Sean, and Chloe is kidnapped by Simon into a church.
  • Wham Line: Two in-universe.
    • Chloe tells The Bogeyman that she can make Delirium shatter with just two words:
      Chloe: (holding two fingers) Ash. Ketchum.
    • Walter hammers it home to Grace just what she's been doing, and giving a Shout-Out to one of the most famous lines in all of Silent Hill.
      Walter: [in regards to Simon calling the denizens "Monsters"] Monsters...(with a demented grin on his face) they looked like monsters to you?
