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Recap / Gotham S1 E21 "The Anvil or the Hammer"

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Directed by Paul A Edwards

Written by Jordan Harper

Nygma works to cover up his crime from the previous episode, while Gordon works to rescue Barbara from the Ogre.


  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Kringle openly wonders why she keeps being attracted to creeps.
  • Ax-Crazy: The Ogre demands Barb tell him who she wants him to kill or he'll kill her instead.
  • Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: Bruce tells Alfred that Selina killed Reggie. He conveniently forgets to mention that he had been about to do the same moments before, and that Selina stepped in only when he couldn't.
  • Broken Bird: Barb at the end of the episode (even more than she was before).
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Once again, Oswald Cobblepot. He's decided that he doesn't want to work for Falcone anymore and therefore manipulates Maroni to go to war with him. Extra points for also giving his hired hitmen jammed weapons.
  • Conveniently Timed Distraction: After Gordon holds the Ogre at gunpoint while he is holding Barbara at knifepoint, Bullock, who was previously pushed down the stairs by the Ogre, arrives behind the Ogre and gets his attention giving Gordon the opportunity to shoot him in the head and save Barbara.
  • The Determinator: Jim is determined to rescue Barb. At any costs.
  • Disposable Sex Worker: The Ogre kidnapped a hooker working at the Fox Glove and scarred her face, but the police didn't investigate when said hooker told them about her abduction.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The whole scene with Barbara tied up and gagged in the Ogre's dungeon while he talks to her about accepting her current situation.
  • Dull Surprise: Barbara was broken by the Ogre so bad that she only stands and stares as he kills her parents, and then again watching Jim discover the bodies and fight the Ogre.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Harvey is initially ecstatic at the idea of visiting a brothel. But as time goes on, he gets increasingly creeped out by all the depravity there. By the time the stage event goes down, Harvey decides that even he has had enough and brings out his badge.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Banderslaw offers Bruce a cookie while generally acting friendly with him. All while shamelessly admitting that Wayne Enterprises does several shady things.
  • Genre Blind: The hitmen think Penguin wanting them to tell Maroni something before they kill him is quaint. Nope, it just means Cobblepot will sabotage their attempt and wants to make sure Maroni learns that it was Falcone who sent them so he'll start the gang war. It's handwaved since they get requests like that often.

  • Hell Is That Noise: The sounds Harvey Bullock hears coming from the stage at the Fox Glove.
  • Internal Reveal: Bruce tells Alfred the truth about what happened to Reggie and his partnership with Selina to find information.
  • It's All My Fault: Gordon blames himself for Barbara's kidnapping.
  • Mythology Gag: A morbid one. After the Ogre kills Barbara's parents, he (or possibly Barbara) leaves their bodies propped up, leaning against each other and both holding tea cups. Leaving victims in lifelike poses is usually Victor Zsasz's predilection in the comics.
  • Oh, Crap!: Everyone in the precinct starts showing the expression when Essen announces a full-scale mob war has just erupted.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: You could tell how unhinged Jim is in this episode as he gets his hands pretty dirty, from at least threatening violence in interrogations, to making deals with Penguin at gunpoint, and promising to kill the Ogre instead of arresting him.
  • Pet the Dog: Bunderslaw attempts to offer Bruce a way out of his troubles instead of just immediately having him killed to protect the company's secrets.
  • Police Are Useless: Once again (to no real surprise), the GCPD. One of the Ogre's early victims was actually released by him (he didn't yet work himself up to killing her) and tried to have him thrown in jail. This ended up a fruitless effort since she was a prostitute and he seemed the part of an upper class guy.
  • Reliably Unreliable Guns: Connor's gun jams when he tries to shoot Maroni. Actually a subversion, as Cobblepot tampered with the gun so that Maroni would survive and go to war with Falcone.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Being forced to pick someone for the Ogre to kill, Barbara chooses her parents.
  • Start of Darkness: For Nygma. In the previous episode, he murdered Dougherty in a panic and seemed both horrified and delighted at what he had done. But come this episode, he mocks Dougherty's skull and gleefully puts one of his signature clues in his forged farewell letter.
  • Stealth Insult: Banderslaw repeatedly offering Bruce a cookie, treating him like a child.
  • The Stoic: Fox refers to Bruce's father as this, hinting that he had only pretended to accept the corruption of Wayne Enterprises.
  • Take Our Word for It: We never get to see what the main event is on the stage of the Foxhound bar, we only get to hear a few miscellaneous sounds (which includes a man screaming, a chainsaw, and a squealing pig). And whatever it was, it was enough to make the usually unflappable Bullock crack and blow his cover. He subsequently apprehends the people on stage.
  • Token Good Teammate: Lucius Fox is the first executive at Wayne Enterprises who isn't corrupt.
  • Trauma Conga Line: As if Barb's life wasn't already a complete wreck before, she definitely crosses into this in this episode. By the end, she's all but broken and shell-shocked.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: The Ogre of all people gives this to Jim, accusing him of not protecting Barb properly and not loving her as much as he did. But since he is psychotic it should be taken with a grain of salt.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Barbara thinks she is The Vamp taking control of the man. Oh boy is she wrong.
