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Recap / Freshy Kanal Fairytale Rap Cypher

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In a twist, the 2022 finale is a rap cypher where various fairytale characters (played by Dan Bull, EpicLloyd, Keyblade, The Stupendium, among others) freestyle-rap about themselves a verse each as the audience open pages of a fairy tale book.

This rap battle contains examples of:

  • David Versus Goliath: Jack, who is the size of a giant's palm, reminds everyone how he beat them. He even refers the giants he defeated as Goliath.
  • Foreshadowing: At the beginning, the narrator references the fairytale characters that are going to appear, such as saying "writing fire hooks", which turns out to foreshadow Captain Hook and "pussies get the boot" for Puss in Boots.
  • Formula-Breaking Episode: This episode follows rap cypher formula rather than the usual battle formula.
  • Special Thanks: After the ending credits, special thanks are given to many people who worked with Freshy Kanal throughout the year.
  • Shout-Out: The Golden Goose claims that it lays gold like a "fowl-minded Midas", referring to the king in Classical Mythology.
  • Your Mom: Jack jokes about "putting seed" in his foe's mother.——
