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Recap / Freshy Kanal Ferris Bueller Vs Nagisa Shiota

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The school bell rings as narrating students Ferris Bueller and Nagisa Shiota rap against each other.

This rap battle contains examples of:

  • Book Ends: Bueller's part begins with Breaking the Fourth Wall and ends with him doing the same thing.
  • Boring Insult: After Ferris' first verse, Nagisa calls it boring like a ferris wheel. By the end of the battle, he claims he is still waiting for a good verse from Bueller.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Ferris talks directly to the audience at the start and the end of his verses, with the second one being taken directly from what he said in his movie.
    Ferris: And that, audience, is how you don’t spit a verse.
    Ferris: What are you still doing here? Go, it's over.
  • If I Wanted X, I Would Y: At the end of his first verse, Ferris dismiss Nagisa's fighting skill by saying, "If I wanted to fight a weeb Hitman, I’d go and see Ayano."
  • Overly Long Gag: Just like the original gag, teacher asking for "Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?" takes so long it's noticable compared to the rest of the battle which is fast-paced.
  • Playing Sick: Nagisa brings up how Ferris pretended to be sick to skip school, so he can say Ferris must be pretending to be the other meaning of "sick" (cool) when rapping.
