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Recap / Freddy Fazbear And Friends S 6 E 6 Phantom Foxys Family

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Phantom Foxy is given a real surprise when the Phantom Animatronics send him a letter that their going to visit him.


  • A Day in the Limelight: Phantom Foxy gets to star in the main protagonist spot rather than one of the original four or somebody closer to their role.
  • Comic-Book Time: Apparently, the 1987 location (as well as the 1993 location, if this story took place post-Season 1) and Fazbear's Fright existed at the same time.
  • "Dear John" Letter: The Phantoms give Phantom Foxy a letter explaining their arrival.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Bonnie and Chica never got to hear Phantom Foxy's backstory, so they're still left confused on his origins.
  • Origins Episode: We get an origin story for both Phantom Foxy and Springtrap (and how he was redeemed and how he moved in with the classic animatronics), as well as the phantom's creations. We also get a reason for Phantom Foxy's sudden debut.
  • The Present Day: Phantom Foxy's Family is set in 2021, with the COVID-19 pandemic being mentioned.
  • Trigger-Happy: Hearing about his family still being alive greatly ups Phantom Foxy's mood, with him even saying "[he] doesn't have to worry anymore!"
  • Troubled Backstory Flashback: It's revealed the reason Phantom Foxy is the only phantom seen throughout the series is because of a traumatic event brought by the Fazbear's Fright burning, which gave the poor fox severe PTSD. The others who were present at the time refused to talk about it as to not upset Phantom Foxy. By the end of the story, Freddy and Circus Baby appear to feel sympathy for Phantom Foxy. It's also revealed Phantom Freddy lost his leg in the accident.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Averted. We find out what happened to the phantoms.
