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Recap / Eureka Mirror Mirror

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That's not a mirror, Jo...

Fargo: Smart Dust, it was supposed to be my legacy. Now I'm just gonna be known as Director Screw-up.
Carter: Yes. But fantastically, they're calling it Far-mageddon.

The revelation of Grace's spying causes unrest in Eureka as Major Shaw moves in to control the situation. Meanwhile, Fargo enacts a radical project to combat climate change and people around town are not themselves.


  • Call-Back:
    • While being legally resurrected, Holly fills out a 924/B, in triplicate.
    • Henry intends to turn himself in for alt!Henry's actions rather than let Grace deal with the consequences alone. He considers alternate timelines to be no excuse as he would make the same choices as his doppelganger under the same circumstances.
  • Cliffhanger: Zane is arrested, Henry and Jo have been replaced with bio-printed doppelgangers, Carter has been overpowered by Holly and is presumably about to be replaced as well. We still don't know who programmed Holly or what their goal is.
  • Destroy the Evidence: Zane quietly hacks the evidence the DOD is taking and destroys anything that could incriminate Henry. This backfires as, shockingly, Major Shaw immediately suspects the hacker with a criminal record and arrests him.
  • Genre Savvy: Carter and Jo, as the smart dust is about to be deployed. Averted when the deployment goes perfectly smoothly, to their disappointment.
    Allison: We are green across the board, everything is good.
    Carter: I cleared my whole morning for damage control.
    Jo: Me too.
    Carter: Coffee?
  • From Bad to Worse: Fargo explains to Carter why the uncontrolled smart dust is a problem.
    Carter: Random mirrors everywhere isn't the worst thing in the world. We'll deal.
    Fargo: No. Loose Smart Dust could potentially disrupt every band on the electromagnetic spectrum. Phones, computers...
    Carter: We'll deal.
    Fargo: ...The neural impulses in our brains. Abstract thought, logic, the higher functions will go first. And then it'll hit the other stuff.
    Carter: What other stuff?
    Fargo: You know. Speech. Movement. [Clears throat] Bladder control.
  • Improperly Paranoid: Grace's arrest has spread paranoia throughout the town. Carter is first seen humouring a man telling him about his neighbour's suspicious activities. Allison is less inclined to beat around the bush.
    Dr. Selikoff: He's out in his backyard in the middle of the night. Like, for hours. With all this weird equipment.
    Allison: Of course he is.
    Dr. Selikoff: Oh. So you're defending him?
    Allison: Well, yes. It isn't suspicious behavior if you're an astronomer.
  • Layman's Terms:
    • The smart dust is explained to Carter as a sun visor to counter global warming.
    • Carter likens the hacked smart dust to an incident involving a neighbour's garage door opener set to the same frequency as his, which gives him the idea of a "clicker" to track down the source of the interference.
    Fargo: Clicker! Who says you're not sciency?
    Carter: Almost everybody.
  • Lured into a Trap: Jo is lured into the woods to be knocked out and replaced by her doppelganger by Andy calling her while imitating Carter's voice.
  • Oh, Crap!: Carter, when he sees that Fargo has chosen to deploy the smart dust using a Spitfire, just because.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • First Fargo, then Allison become concerned about Holly when she first decides to study the bioprinter (she's an astrophysicist), then her behaviour becomes manipulative and mean.
    • Andy shoots down Carter's "clicker" idea, claiming it would break the second law of thermodynamics among others. When Carter mentions it to Fargo, he latches excitedly onto the idea, dismissing Andy's assertions as needing a diagnostic. If only they'd looked harder at that thread...
  • Shout-Out: The title could come from either Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or from the mirror universe episode from Star Trek: The Original Series.
  • Side Bet: Between Carter and Jo as the smart dust is about to be deployed. Averted as it goes perfectly smoothly.
    Carter: What do you figure, he going to blow something up or we get covered in goo?
    Jo: Why are you so pessimistic?
    Carter: Really?
    Jo: Right. [Beat] I think I'm gonna go with goo.
    Carter: I'll go with blow something up.
  • Snipe Hunt: After being hacked, Andy drags Carter on a wild goose chase interviewing scientists who might have sabotaged the smart dust to eliminate competition.
    Andy: There are 72 geo-engineering projects competing with this one. A solution to climate change would mean trillions of dollars in grants. I smell sabotage.
    Carter: I don't know. I mean, I know the people at GD Can be petty and careless and negligent, true. And even homicidal. And I've... What was I saying?
  • Spotting the Thread: When Zane returns to his lab (where Holly has just been hit with the brain hack) to investigate a weird energy surge, she says she didn't see anything. Later, when showing Allison the strange thing he found on his computer in a message to Holly, he says it would have lit up every screen and there's no way she missed it.
  • Static Stun Gun: Evil!Holly, with the taser: 1. Sheriff Carter: 0.
    Evil!Holly: Now we're even!
  • Technobabble: Lampshaded As usual.
    Carter: Could the brainium titanic in the dust be affecting Andy before it affects us?
    Allison: The barium titanite?
    Carter: ...Yes, that's what I said.
  • Wham Shot: Carter uses the "clicker" to find the saboteur's lair, finding plenty of equipment including the bio-printer, which is in use printing out a body. Moving closer, the printer fills in the face, revealing whose body it is: Carter.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Grace tells Henry she was getting uncomfortable with the Consortium when he replaced his alternate version who recruited her, and he gave her a chance to start again.
    Grace: You made me a better person, if you're looking to take responsibility for something, take responsibility for that.
