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Recap / Dragalia Lost Forgotten Truths

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To understand the future, you must know the past
Event Date: September 2020
Event Type: Raid
Element: All
Friendship Character: Mordecai
Theme Song: lucrezia - We Are the Lights

This event contains examples of:

  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: Since Fractured Futures was Euden's big time travel event, Zethia gets her own.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The original Zethia is one of the main characters of the event, with no one else from the present day appearing in the story. The epilogue ends with Zethia's perspective on meeting Nedrick
  • The Cameo: Besides having to fight Zephyr, some of the other dragons shown in the past are Juggernaut, Lindwurm, Stribog, Vodyanoy
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Zethia ends up 1000 years in the past, where the world was quite futuristic.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Most events have the explanation of having characters not involved in the event be playable on account of their affiliation with the Halidom party. As the story of this event focuses entirely on Zethia being 1000 years in the past with not even the main party members involved, this event doesn't have that excuse. The only canonical playable characters that were actually there at the time are Mordecai, Meene, Ilia and Midgardsormr Zero. Regardless, any character is usable within this event just like any other.
  • Humans Are Bastards: The war against dragons has shown humanity in the past is a far cry from what it is in the present day, all just to destroy every last dragon. They'll even outright set off what amount to nukes in their own cities just to kill the dragons. Cities which are populated with millions of people.
  • In Love with Your Carnage: Augus is in utter glee with the destruction Morsayati leaves behind that he wants to weaponize him.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: The fact that Morsayati is the raid boss of the event along with the ending showing events from chapter 14 will likely tell starting players that Morsayati loses his Big Bad status later in the game. Averted regarding the event being added to the compendium where players have to play through chapter 14 before they have access to the event.
  • Origin Story: This event is one for a lot of things in the Dragalia universe, showing Morsayati's origins and what leads to the Church of Ilia being founded.
  • The Power of Hate: Mordecai's hatred for Elysium seemingly killing Ilia during the creation of their pactstone was enough for him to utterly transform him into the demon known as Morsayati that plagues the world.
  • Stable Time Loop: Morsayati sent Zethia back in time to ensure his own existence.
  • Wham Shot: The epilogue ends with Ilia and Mordecai having come out of the void and into the present day.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: The event starts with Empress Zethia, showing that Morsayati had thrown Zethia into the past to understand his utter hatred for humanity and dragons. At the epilogue, it's just before Beren is about to consume Morsayati.
