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Recap / Corner Gas S 3 E 05 The Littlest Yarbo

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"That barking has to be some kind of noise violation."

A Plot: Hank becomes convinced that a dog doing good deeds around town is The Littlest Hobo and goes about trying to prove it to everyone else.

B Plot: Davis and Karen feel their authority and rapport with the town are threatened after Fitzy brings in the new fire department, David and Carol. They go about trying to one-up everyone's new favorite duo.

C Plot: After Lacey complains about customers bringing in huge travel mugs when ordering coffee to-go, Brent agrees to purchase dual Corner Gas/The Ruby travel mugs. However, Brent becomes suspicious of Lacey's intentions about the logos on the mugs and spends too much time trying to outsmart her.

Tropes Referenced:

  • Acquired Error at the Printer: When Lacey finally orders the travel mugs herself, they arrive with part of the logo cut off, making them say "Corner G And The Rub".
  • Damned by Faint Praise: After Brent and Wanda discuss Lacey's "tactics" in the mug logo battle.
    Brent: You probably think I'm an idiot.
    Wanda: No, not at all.
    Brent: Good.
    Wanda: But then, keep in mind, I spend a lot of time with a guy who thinks the Littlest Hobo has been reincarnated.
  • Description Cut:
    Davis: Do you think firefighters get more respect than us?
    Karen: We have respect.
    Oscar: [walking up to Karen and Davis] Hey, dingledorks. I need you to do something.
  • Homage: The whole episode is an homage to The Littlest Hobo.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": After the Acquired Error at the Printer, Brent takes a liking to "Corner G" as a nickname and only answers to it for the remainder of the episode.
    Hank: That woulda been cool if that was the real Littlest Hobo, eh Brent? [beat] Brent? [beat] I mean, Corner G?
    Brent: Yeah, that woulda been cool. Word up.
  • Fake Food: The steak the dog steals at the end of the episode was made of rubber and coated in oil so it would glisten; if the steak were real, the dog actor likely would have either eaten it immediately or never let it go.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    Karen: I'm not sure about that Carol, though. She seems quick to judge. I noticed that about her right away.
  • Jive Turkey: Wanda calls Hank one to make fun of him for using the word "shades".
  • Karma Houdini: After Hank talks Oscar into lighting his leaf pile on fire, Davis comes along and makes it worse. Emma has to put the fire out. When Fitzy arrives later, he assumes Davis was on the scene to help. He not only fires David and Carol, he then puts Davis in charge of the Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Out-Gambitted: Brent repeatedly thinks Lacey is trying to do this to "win" the mug logo battle, but Brent is the only one competing. Lacey just wants the mugs ordered as quickly as possible.
  • Pop-Cultural Osmosis Failure: Oscar has apparently never heard of The Littlest Hobo.
    Hank: Oscar! I think I just met the Littlest Hobo!
    Oscar: How tall was he? Did he ask you for money?
    Hank: No, no. From the TV show, you know? Canada's Lassie? "There's a voice keeps on calling me?"
    Oscar: A hobo is calling you?
    Hank: No, the Hobo's a dog.
    Oscar: A dog is calling you.
    Hank: No, the voice is calling the dog.
    Oscar: The dog hears voices?!
    [Beat, then they both walk away from each other without saying another word]
  • Principles Zealot: Lacey as usual, this time on a quest to stop people from using huge travel mugs when ordering coffee to-go.
  • Shout-Out: When Oscar wants the DRPD to run the dog out of town, Davis mentions how that didn't work out when the sheriff did it to Rambo in First Blood.
  • Similar Squad: David and Carol are basically more polite versions of Davis and Karen, who become jealous when they don't notice the obvious symmetry.
  • Timmy in a Well: The dog goes to David and Carol to try and alert them to the fire Oscar had started. It doesn't work as they are both Lawful Stupid.
    Carol: That barking has to be some kind of noise violation.
    David: Let's take it to the SPCA.
  • Two Lines, No Waiting: Lampshaded with Brent and Hank's separate plots:
    Hank: Maybe The Littlest Hobo was the first ever reality show, did you ever think of that?
    Brent: Hold on here! If I can see my logo, then her logo is on the outside all the while giving her free advertising!
    Wanda: Come on, guys! I can only handle one weird obsession at a time!
