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Recap / Code Prime - R1: Rebellion, 27 "Tropical Skirmish"

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As Euphemia knights Suzaku, the Grand Alliance's hierarchy is established. In the process, Zero reveals his identity as the former prince, while the Alliance launchs an operation to capture Suzaku and the Lancelot at a Britannia military base on Shikine Island. However, someone else has other ideas...

  • Good Is Not Dumb: Aware that Diethard Reid is Not in This for Your Revolution, Ironhide makes it clear that the reporter will have to answer to the veteran if the former betrays the Black Knights ranks.
  • Good Is Not Nice: While Ironhide is one of Optimus' most loyal soldiers, he makes it clear that he won't accept Suzaku into their ranks unless he acknowledges his mistakes, especially after the reveal that the boy killed his father. He's fully prepared to leave the Autobots if Suzaku gets brought in just like that.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • C.C. tells Nunnally her real name.
    • Alongside his inner circle and the Autobots, Zero reveals his identity as a former Britannian prince to Ohgi, Tamaki, Diethard, Rakshata, Katase, and the Four Holy Swords.
  • Spanner in the Works: Just as Lelouch was about to get through to Suzaku, Schneizel's missile bombardment is announced, prompting the Japanese pilot to try and restrain Zero so he can't get away.
  • Verbal Backspace: When the Autobots and Black Knights start their attack on Shikinie Island, only Gino was excited. The others? Not so much.
    Gino: The Bots and BKs are here?! Awesome!
    (get elbowed by Monica and Nonette)
    Gino: Oh, I mean, that's terrible.
