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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who TYOMJS 1 E 1 The Last Diner

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Synopsis: Martha arrives on the west coast of the US and finds an old friend waiting to make contact. A desperate group gathers for her stories. But when Francine arrives, escaped from the Valiant, she isn't so keen to hear about the Doctor...

Plot: Some time since the Master took over the Earth with the Toclafane, Martha is now telling stories to human survivors and is currently in America where people gather in a diner run by Karen and Tucker. Martha runs into Holly, a friend from university though Martha is suspicious of the coincidence, and not long after is reunited with her mother Francine, who survived a crash while being transported from the Valiant. Martha tells people a story about how the Doctor saved a planet from an incoming asteroid and caused them to stop killing each other, with everyone having different reactions and Francine having an especially negative one due to her anger at the Doctor. The next night the diner is destroyed by a rocket, with Martha believing that the Toclafane found out and joined with Francine and Holly she continues walking the Earth.

  • The Ace: Martha seems to portray the Doctor as this, downplaying his worst qualities.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Karen is this as she believes that the CIA was responsible for making Harold Saxon the "president" and bringing the Toclafane to Earth, while the Sycorax invasion and the Battle of Canary Wharf were mass hallucinations caused by drugs.
  • Continuity Nod: Karen and Holly mention the ghosts and how a year prior Holly's mother went up to the roof one Christmas despite basically being immobile.
  • Eagleland: Karen is a more benign version of the tendency in Doctor Who to portray Americans as oblivious and a bit stupid, as while Karen is smart and kind she believes that America is responsible for the Toclafane and refers to Harold Saxon as the "president" of the UK.
  • Foreshadowing: In her story Martha explains that at one point the Doctor had disappeared and with few options she convinced the aliens that the asteroid was coming to take them to paradise as long as they stopped fighting and lived in harmony in their last moments. She did this because she had no other plan and despite what the aliens had done she wanted them to die with hope and happiness. At the end of the story the diner is destroyed by a rocket which kills everyone except Martha, Holly and Francine, with the latter saying there was no way to save them and that they died being happy and excited for Martha's stories.
  • Shout-Out: In her story Martha says she tried to find out if the aliens had any rockets or missiles they could use to destroy the asteroid. Karen gets her to admit she got the idea from Armageddon (1998).
  • This Is Reality: Karen says that this is why she finds Martha's stories a little hard to believe, especially her latest one which felt a little corny and convenient.
