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Recap / Big Finish Torchwood S 01 E 01 The Conspiracy

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Captain Jack Harkness has always had his suspicions about the Committee. And now a former newsreader turned conspiracy theorist named George Wilson is also talking about the Committee. Apparently the world really is under the control of aliens from the planet Erebus. That’s what Wilson says. People have died, disasters have been staged, the suspicious have disappeared.

It's outrageous.

Only Jack knows that Wilson is right. The Committee has arrived.


  • Boom, Headshot!: George's daughter Kate kills George and puts a bullet in Jack too, in order to frame them for the murder of young Hallett.
  • The Cloud Cuckoo Lander Was Right: George Wilson's conspiracy theory. Even stranger because he's a charlatan who doesn't believe it in the slightest.
  • The Conspiracy: The Committee sound like the typical Illuminati/New World Order style "secret rulers of the Earth". Except unfortunately they're real. The Committee are also behind the real-world conspiracy theories, so that if the truth gets out, it'll be lost in the noise.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: George's daughter Kate is one of the Committee.
  • Shoot the Dog: Jack has yet another one in his backstory with the Committee. Back in the day, he told the Committee Earth was lifeless and gave them the location of a mining colony with 2000 people instead.
  • Sequel Hook: The story ends with Torchwood wanted for questioning so Jack leaves a message for the team announcing he's taking off to stop the Committee himself.
  • Sleeper Agent: Kate Wilson.
