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Recap / Big City Greens S 1 E 28

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And thus begins the battle of the Golden Girls.
Park Pandemonium

The Greens get into wild mishaps during a visit to the park: Gramma tries to spun Tilly out of jealousy, Cricket shows a man named Wyatt to build a better playground, and Bill tries to impress some teens by tossing a flying disk.

"Park Pandemonium" contains examples of:

  • Air Quotes: Wyatt does these when asking Cricket to teach him about fun.
  • Arc Words: "Fun".
  • Big "NO!": By Gramma when she misses Keys' slip-up at the pothole.
  • Big "YES!": By Bill after he returns the whisbee to the gang.
  • Bland-Name Product: The flying disk is called a Whizbee.
  • Bottle Episode: The entire episode is set at the park.
  • Disaster Dominoes: Bill tosses the Whisbee one last time, which misses the teens, knocks a pigeon out of the sky, messes up a boy's birthday cake, destroys Funtopia, and finally breaks the steering wheel of Gramma's paddle boat.
  • A Good, Old-Fashioned Paint Watching: Gramma just wants to sit on a bench and look at a pothole on the sidewalk... waiting for skaters to trip on it so she can laugh at them.
  • It's the Best Whatever, Ever!: Cricket teams up with Wyatt to make the "best playground ever."
  • No OSHA Compliance: The new playground built by Cricket and Wyatt is almost life-threatening.
  • Operation: Jealousy: Tilly gets another old lady to be her grandmother to make Gramma jealous.
  • Pass the Popcorn: Gramma takes out a bucket of popcorn as she sees Officer Keys about to skate down to where the pothole is. She cries a Big "NO!" when she misses his wipeout due to Tilly.
  • Third Line, Some Waiting: Cricket shows Wyatt how to have fun, Tilly finds another old woman to make Gramma jealous, and Bill tries to retrieve a flying disk for some teenagers.
  • Stop Drowning and Stand Up: Tilly and Gramma collide and fall into the lake, and try to stay afloat; once they make up, Rochelle and Phyllis arrive and reveal that the water is only ankle high.
We want some all the time... even when we're not hurt!
Cricket's Biscuits

Cricket and Tilly try Gramma's homemade biscuits and attempt to get them by no means necessary.

"Cricket's Biscuits" contains examples of:

  • Big "NO!": By Gramma as she sees the falling Cricket and Tilly dummies get burned by a grill.
  • Booby Trap: Gramma's bedroom has dozens of them in every nook and cranny.
  • Call of the Wild Blue Yonder: At one point, Cricket tries to fly like a bird.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Cricket and Tilly attempt to recreate the Feel-Better Butter Biscuits on their own, using bread, mustard, flowers, and eggs (including the shells). The results are so inedible that the two are genuinely horrified by what they’ve created.
  • Imagine Spot: When Cricket and Tilly take a snack of the biscuits for the first time, they suddenly imagine themselves as pats of butter being smeared between layers of the biscuits (also with their faces).
  • Impossibly Delicious Food: Gramma's Feel Better Butter Biscuits, which Cricket and Tilly become attached to.
  • Noodle Incident: When Tilly and Cricket go to Gramma's room to ask for more biscuits, she is welding something.
  • Show Within a Show: Last Days of our Lives, the soap opera about senior citizens that Gramma watches.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Even though the Feel Better Biscuits make them feel better, they still have to go to the hospital for all the damage Gramma's booby traps did.
  • Watch Out for That Tree!: While Cricket and Tilly are fiddling around on Bill's tractor at the beginning, he warns them they could hit a tree if they're not careful. Cue the kids doing just that.
