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Recap / Aqua Teen Hunger Force S 5 E 2 Robots Everywhere

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The Aqua Teens have gone MIA in the middle of the night. So when their landlord Markula sells their house to a family of unbelievably obnoxious laser-happy robots, Carl learns the hard way that there is such a thing as having neighbors worse than the Aqua Teens.


  • A Day in the Limelight: This and the next two episodes serve as one for Carl.
  • All Men Are Perverts: Carl’s drilled holes in the bedroom’s wall so he can spy on female tenants from his house.
  • As Himself: The couple at the beginning are Vishal and Diviya Roney playing themselves (Vishal had previously played himself in a voice-only part way back in “PDA” as Carl’s insurance agent).
  • Death as Comedy: A couple show up and offer to buy the house for ludicrously over price (despite setbacks like not having a bathroom, and there being a large gas leak straight into the living room), and are promptly melted into goo by insane robots. The show always has a high body count, but this is one of the first episodes to have a joke which is nothing but introducing characters and immediately killing them in gory fashion, really hammering in the Darker and Edgier tone the show was developing by this point.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The Aqua Teens have gone missing because Markula had demons haul them off to the Mojave desert. Why? Because he refused to do fix a gas leak.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Carl is visibly horrified that Markula went to such lengths to get rid of the Aqua Teens.
  • Incompetence, Inc.: Markula hauled the Aqua Teens (who pay rent) off any then rents the house out to robots that have no money nor plans of getting any, simply because he likes robots.
  • Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence: Played with. When Carl ends up hiding from the robots in his car (after they literally take apart his whole house), he is initially victorious because the robots couldn't open the door. Too bad they can force him out by wrecking the car.
    Robot Husband: Something moved. Inside the car! Test the knob.
    Robot Wife: (*tries to open the car door*) Locked!
    Robot Husband: Damn him! The glass is tinted and impenetrable!
  • Karma Houdini: The robots murder a random couple and make Carl’s life a living hell. Carl does lay into them with a minigun but it doesn’t seem to hurt them and they insist bullets are “like vitamins.”
  • More Dakka: After spending two days bending backwards for the psychotic robots, Carl resorts to giving them a taste of their own medicine with what he calls "Count the Bullets". Cue Carl shooting them with a minigun.
