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Quotes / Think of the Children!

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Martha: This is our lives you're playing with. Our lives! That's very serious business for us. Can you understand that?
Mrs. Tilford: Yes, I can understand that. And I can understand a great deal more. You've been playing with a lot of children's lives. That's why I need to stop you!

"The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak."
Robert A. Heinlein, on censorship

"Law and order" Republicans and "think of the children" Democrats would be the rule of the day following this, so a good chunk of who ran [for President] in OTL would likely not happen.
The kind of censorship and regulation called for by Tipper Gore, Jack Thompson and Hillary Clinton in the '90s likely gets pushed beyond their wildest dreams...much to our misfortune.
Rap and metal get hit hard, if not driven underground. Violence in movies gets toned down radically. The modern video game industry likely never comes to be as we know it, strangled in the cradle. The Internet gets heavily monitored. Pop culture and technology take a nosedive for a decade.
If Gore wins, I see him pushing Tipper's censorship ideas hard. So there goes the early Internet. The backlash against some of this overbearing security-state stuff may finally be bubbling over by 2004, so he may be a one-term President.
9/11 would likely still happen—with all the attention on how metal and video games is [sic] turning our kids into monsters, I doubt we'd notice the plot in time. Try to imagine how THAT would impact an already shell-shocked society—an uber-Columbine followed by 9/11, Christ...
As for the generation of kids who grew up under all of this, you think Millennials are cynical and don't trust the government in OTL, hoo boy. Imagine what [sic] getting expelled from public schools for cursing at someone, or put on a government watchlist for listening to N.W.A, having all the signatures of those formative years—music, the mall, hell, freedom itself—regulated out of existence. I see a subculture rising that would put the beatniks or hippies to shame, politically a mix of '60s radicals and modern libertarians, fighting for not only the right to party, but just to be left alone by the ever-watchful eye of a government obsessed with "thinking of the children." thread "WI: Worse Columbine?"

"Disregarding that, so many parents just buy their kids M-rated games with no second thought. They just don't look at the ratings and then blame the game for being too vulgar for their kids. Why don't you actually be a parent and regulate what media your child consumes rather than blaming the media itself? Different people are into different things, meaning not every piece of media produced is going to be G-rated. That's true concerning everything, especially video games. Most of the video games that garner controversy for being unsuitable for children... are already rated M! But is that ever brought up when all these big shots who know nothing about video games talk about how video games are corrupting society? No, they just talk about how the newest Call of Duty is poisoning our children when guys! Guys! GUYS!"

Gaston: The Beast will make off with your children (townspeople gasp) and come after them in the night!
Belle: No!
Gaston: We're not safe until his head is mounted on my wall! I say we KILL THE BEAST! (townspeople cheer in agreement)

Paul: You were headbutting children off the side of the ship!
Carl: That, uh, that must've been horrifying to watch.
Paul: And then you started making out with the ice sculpture!
Carl: Well, thank god that the children weren't onboard to see it.
