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Quotes / The Man Makes the Weapon

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King Cold: Allow me to examine your sword. A weapon of such obvious quality practically begs to be admired. You have nothing to fear from me.
Future Trunks: So, you wanna see my sword, huh? Here, catch. [tosses it to him]
King Cold: [laughs] Yes, indeed. Remarkable craftsmanship. And I have a hunch that you would not have defeated my son were it not for this sword. What do you say?
Future Trunks: Believe what you want to.
King Cold: Alright then! I will! I say, that without this sword, you're nothing! That's what I believe! [he tries to cut Trunks down with the sword, only for Trunks to block it with one hand] Huh?!
Future Trunks: So much for your theory. You should know a weapon doesn't make the man!

"Here is my sword," said Intra. "Your semiotics cannot contain it. Its blade is made of gloaming steel, look how it whispers!"
"But Lord Intra," said the assembled, "you have no sword!"
"So it is," said Intra.

"Beware the swordsman who carries no blade."

Auntie Maya: He was finally sick of my complaining. He finally gave me a sword. He threw it to me, just like this. It was a practice spare made by an apprentice. Barely fit to melt down for scrap. The moment I swung it, it shattered instantly. As he knew it would. However. Unbeknownst to anyone—I had been forging another sword. Preem Mana laughed his hyena laugh. It was the last sound he ever made.
[flashback to Maya cutting through Preem Mana... and his apprentices... and their massive floating city]
Auntie Maya: And that is how I found the Maybe Sword.
Allison: it's just a regular broken sword?
Auntie Maya: Undoubtedly one of the flimsiest swords ever made.
Allison: Can it kill a god?
Auntie Maya: Maybe. Maybe not.

"A sword is just as good as the person who wields it."

"You need to stop making dumb assumptions. See, I was never using a sword in the first place. Did you think only sharpened metal could form an edge?! Don't presume so much, boy! If you channel the right force into it, then hair and cloth can split flesh and shatter bone!"
Shang Bu Huan, Thunderbolt Fantasy
