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Quotes / The Food Poisoning Incident

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"Haiku got sick, so I had to come home. Her mom made a bad batch of cookies, so she and her sister both got food poisoning. Threw up all over their living room. I had to leave because the vomit smell was making me sick - er, nauseous too."

"Told you, you probably just ate some bad gristle."
Mr. Fox, Fantastic Mr. Fox (actually she has Morning Sickness)

"He's probably eaten some bad nuts or something."
Nathaniel, trying to pretend a chipmunk is delirious, Enchanted

"I still got it, even with food poisoning."


Artie Bucco: Oh jeez, you picked up a bad one somewhere, huh?
Tony Soprano: Somewhere? You know maybe, just out of consideration I should dump those fucking mussels you gave me before you cause a fucking outbreak!
Artie: Whoa, nelly! I handpick every piece of shellfish myself.
Tony: Oh yeah? You smelling them as you're picking them or you staring off into space worrying about paying your fucking rent or whatever it is you fucking worry about!?

Phlox: "Have you eaten anything recently?"
Hoshi Sato: "Um... just a peach."
Phlox: "That peach must have had some kind of bacteria on it. You have food poisoning. I'll give you a mild analgesic. The symptoms should be gone within a few hours."
Hoshi: "I'm sorry that I spilled my drink all over your lap and then threw up."
Malcolm Reed: "No problem. It's Trip's fault anyway. He's the one who provided the peach. Is there anything that I can get you?"
Hoshi: "No, I'll be all right. Tell Trip that he's gonna pay for this one. He gave me a peach that gave me food poisoning."

"No, not baked goods — baked bads!"
Pinkie Pie, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, "Apple Buck Season"

Chas Finster: "I wonder if that Japanese food you gave the kids didn't agree with them."
Kira Finster: "I don't think it was the food, dear. Didi said that Dil had been sick. Most likely, Tommy caught the virus from Dil, and when he threw up on Chuckie, the smell was so intense, that Chuckie threw up too."

"I don't know what was in that burrito I ate this morning, but (groan) I have to lay a bomb!"
Andy Larkin (lying), What's with Andy?, "Emergency Spew Relish"

"Sorry Egon couldn't make it. Something about bad couscous."
Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters IDW

George: You gave yourself food poisoning?
Nancy: All I know is I made myself a sandwich and it didn't agree with me.
Nancy Drew Danger on Deception Island

George: You gave Kate food poisoning?
Nancy: I mean, not exactly. Something in the sandwich I made for her didn't agree with her.
Bess: Where is she now?
Nancy: Outside. Leaning over the rail and, you know...
Nancy Drew Danger On Deception Island

Dominick orders a Sparrow's pizza with extra cheese. The clerk offers him a slice of day-old pizza for half-off, and Dominick decides to save a little money. He eats almost all of it before commenting that it tasted funny... and not in a good way.
A few minutes later, Dominick begins to look a little pale. The next thing you know, he runs out of the Food Court and leaves you alone!
D.M. Dinwiddie, Physician-in-Training

"Eating this flower leads to spectacular, breathtaking indigestion."
Louie's Notes on the Queen Candypop Bud, Pikmin 2
