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Quotes / Tap on the Head

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Well, I hit a lot of guys buddy, but you really take the cake. Tap, you're down!
Tom Servo as Torgo, Manos: The Hands of Fate

"I laughed my head off when Chakotay starts listing all the insane plots that could explain why there are crewmembers lying about unconscious! He should have just kept going for about five minutes to really drive the point home!"

"Lois Lane officially wins the KO Count, with 52 bouts of unconsciousness. Lex Luthor came in close at the wire, with 51.

You want a good way to give him a faulty memory,
Smallville? Pay attention to your own show."

Screenwriter Guy: So then they have this big swordfight that ends with Jack getting knocked unconscious by Will's boss.
Producer Guy: Oh, instantly unconscious, that's definitely some brain damage, right?
Screenwriter Guy: No, it's that wacky kind of head trauma where your eyes cross and you get up a bit later completely fine.
Producer Guy: Oh that's the best kind of head trauma!


"Knocking people out... by hitting them on the head... that's movie stuff!"
Mike Thorton (who has just been beaned with a lamp), Alpha Protocol

Oh, dat's a skull fracture for sure.
The Scout, Team Fortress 2

What are you doing? That only works in movies.
Michael Thornton, Alpha Protocol

Don't touch him up, knock him out!

What is this, an episode of Gilligan's Island? Everybody gets hit once and they are instantly unconscious.

Blows to the head are potentially harmful and should not be undertaken lightly. Turn around, sir. Remove your helmet, please. Would twenty minutes unconsciousness be okay?
Igorina, Monstrous Regiment

Cordelia: I came over here to tell Buffy to stop this craziness and found you all unconscious... again. How many times have you been knocked out, anyway? I swear, one of these times, you're gonna wake up in a coma.
Giles: ...Wake up in a—?! Oh, never mind.

Kakyoin: Geh... Nobody believes me. Time for brute force!
(Kakyoin art shifts into a buff version of himself, which looks like Broly, and tries to kill Mannish Boy.)
Polnareff: Chop!
(Polnareff tries to knock Kakyoin out with a chop to the back of his neck, but he fails.)
Kakyoin: You're naive, Polnareff! Come back in a 100 years when you're ready to use those skills on me!
Jotaro: Chop!
(Moe!Star Platinum punches Kakyoin in the face.)
Kakyoin: Uguwah! Nobody believes me... This baby is a stand us...
(Kakyoin passes out.)

"Just bonk him over the head! It's nature's snooze button!"
Stan Pines, Gravity Falls, "Fight Fighters"

You can lose your heart, but better watch your head!
Those are doctors' orders; that's what they said.
Pardon My English

Lt. Speer: How about a fast game of Sleeper?
Poolroom thug: Never heard of it.
Lt. Speer: Well, it's simple. You go ahead and make your shot... [thug does so]' ..and I put you to sleep. [cracks thug in the head from behind with pool cue, knocking him unconscious]

"He's got a sweet touch with the sap. Younger one's just at the hospital for observation. The older one had to have four stitches. Mild concussion."
Jack Crawford, Red Dragon

"Quick, [knock out] spray!"
"All out."
"Well, use the forget-me stick!"
"Oh, right!" (knocks out Hal with a baseball bat)

This basin appeared to be constructed of some thickish form of china, and as Spode grabbed Gussie and started to go into the old shaking routine it descended on the back of his head with what some call a dull and others a sickening thud. It broke into several fragments, but by that time its mission had been accomplished. His powers of resistance sapped, no doubt, by his recent encounter with the Rev. H.P. Pinker, Spode fell to earth he knew not where and lay there looking peaceful.
Bertie Wooster, Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves
