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Quotes / Resignations Not Accepted

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"We don't force anybody to come into the organization. If you don't want to join you can simply refuse. But once you've joined you belong to the organization lock, stock and barrel. Along with your shoes and your tie."

"Blood in. Blood out."
Saying attributed to The Mafia

Bonk: I want out!
Joker: (holds a gun to his head) If you insist.

M: This private vendetta of yours could easily compromise Her Majesty's government. You have an assignment, and I expect you to carry it out objectively and professionally.
Bond: Then you have my resignation, sir!
M: We're not a country club, 007!

Hawke: I've always heard that joining the Wardens is for life.
Anders: That's only partly true. The "hopelessly tainted by the darkspawn" and "plagued by nightmares about the Archdemon" parts...don't go away. But it turns out, if you hide well, you don't have to wear the uniform or go to the parties.

"You shouldn't make a promise you can't keep, Tukson. I hear that you're planning on leaving. Moving all the way to Vacuo. Your brothers in the White Fang won't be happy to hear that. And neither are we."
Emerald Sustrai, RWBY

"No one leaves the Lin Kuei."
Sektor, Mortal Kombat 9

"You must have misunderstood. SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?"
The First Child, should you choose not to erase the world, Undertale

"Unfortunately, regarding this... YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE LONG AGO."
The First Child, should you complete a second No Mercy run and choose not to erase the world, Undertale

Hank: The Guild needs to keep its reputation. No-one leaves, except in a casket.
Thief: Vampire thieves can't even leave in one of those.

“Mr. Vladislav,” shouted one of the vampires, “I’m gone!” He shifted into bat-form, tried to get away. Vladislav snapped his fingers. Two others, gifted with form-shifting, turned into bats, went after him, grabbed him, dragged him back to the gangboss.
With terrible efficiency, Vladislav tore the offending bat to pieces with his bare hands.

"Well, you don't just hand in your resignation to Voldemort. It's a lifetime of service or death."
Sirius Black (discussing his brother Regulus), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Good job joining the boy scouts! I mean, we go through agents like gum, it could be a rewarding alternate career path for you if we cut you loose.
Psyche, you don't get to walk away if we cut you loose.
Kirsten Geary, The Secret World

Hank Pym: I formally tender my resignation.
Howard Stark: We won't accept it... formally.

The Devil: C'mon, boys, thought you wanted adventure!
Now you got it— plus, you're indentured!
But you're free to leave, you ain't my slave!
Here's the exit!
Cuphead: Wait, that's my grave!

Saul: Beg, borrow, or steal, I'm your huckleberry. I go the extra mile. Only you never told me that kid would wind up in the hospital! You know— Take that thing and get the hell out of here. You and me, we're done!
(Walter gets up and walks uncomfortably close to Saul)
Saul: What are you...? Come on. Hey. Hey.
Walt: We're done... when I say we're done.
Breaking Bad, "Live Free or Die"

"Through hell or high water, I have had only one driving force in all my life, and I intend to see it through. No matter what I have to do, where I have to destroy, or who I have to kill. I am the man who will be King of the Pirates. And you're going to do everything you can to make that happen."
A deaf man could have heard the 'or else' that those words carried.
Marshall D. "Blackbeard" Teach, This Bites!

Hello and welcome to your new Fire Suppression Department position.
Now, you may be asking yourself, 'what does this new position entail'? And let me tell you, it's very simple. We put out fires. Not physical fires, no, we leave that up to the Foundation Fire-Rescue Department. We deal in metaphorical fires.
For example, let's say a high-ranking member of the Foundation is offered a job by the Global Occult Coalition. This is not only a breach of contract on their behalf but also a serious fire risk for us. After all, what's stopping them from leaving and spilling all our secrets to them? We wouldn't want that to happen now, would we? No sir.
But what can we do to stop said fire from starting? I'm glad you asked. We simply remind them of why they chose to be employed with the Foundation in the first place. Everyone's got a family, don't they? We can use them as an example. No one wants any ill to befall their family. Their protection is part of what the Foundation offers. We cannot guarantee the safety of the family of someone who has impulsively terminated their employment.
That's not to say we will harm them, heavens no, but if something were to happen to them and we weren't able to respond to them, that would certainly be a tragedy now, wouldn't it? After all, the Foundation only has so many Mobile Task Forces and it cannot afford to stretch them so thin as to protect the family of an employee who is considering jumping ship.
What about an employee who smokes? Well, we would simply remind them of the excellent healthcare options the Foundation provides. The damage they are doing to their cardiovascular system is irreparable and only brought on by themselves, unfortunately. They will need our superior healthcare options in order to survive the trials and tribulations of the cancer they are inevitably bringing upon themselves. It's not our fault they smoke, we are simply trying our best to care for them.
But what about those pesky edge cases? The real toughies? That is where you, my dear problem solvers, come in. It will be your job to put out the fires these individuals can potentially cause in trying to leave.
Think of it as designing Special Containment Procedures for your coworkers. You will have to do whatever it takes to keep them in line and keep them within the Foundation. Because if one person leaves, more are sure to follow. Fire spreads quickly, and we don't want fires in the Foundation.
It will be your job to keep them quiet and keep them content. Because at the end of the day, we're all a family here at the Foundation. A big, happy family. And no one leaves our family.
Fire Suppression Department Hub, SCP Foundation
