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Quotes / Real Men Eat Meat

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"I got your four basic food groups! Beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard!"

Ron: I am starving, I haven't had Lunch since yesterday so Imma head over to Callahans'.
Andy: Oh, no no. Don't go there, they totally skimp on pickles. Let me go to Big-Head Joe's for you, they have the most insane burritos.
Ron: I don't much go for ethnic food.
Andy: Nonono, trust me. They have one that's called The Meat Tornado. (Rons' interest is piqued) Literally killed a guy last year.
Ron: (Smiles) You had me at "Meat Tornado".

The chef, upon realizing he made a salad in the Satanic Salad episode of Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time

"John Wayne died with five pounds of undigested red meat in his ass! Now THAT'S a man!!"
Rocco, The Boondock Saints II: All Saint's Day

"The Barrayarans applauded the fruit and flower decked beast, seeming to actually find it attractive and not horrific, and the cook, who'd followed it anxiously out, took a bow."

"Ah, don't let them get to ya' Steven. I'll get yah a pepperoni stick for your birthday."
Andy De Mayo, Steven Universe, "Gem Harvest"

"Veganism is the sad result of a morally corrupt mind. Reconsider your life."
Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation

"Man eats meat to be strong like an ox, forgetting that an ox eats grass."

"According to a Turkic legend, Oghuz was born in Central Asia as the son of Qara Khan, leader of the Turkic people. He started talking as soon as he was born. He stopped drinking his mother's milk after the first time and asked for kymyz (an alcoholic beverage made with fermented horse milk) and meat. After that, he grew up supernaturally fast and in only forty days he became a young adult. At the time of his birth, the lands of the Turkic people were preyed upon by a dragon named Kiyant. Oghuz armed himself and went to kill the dragon. He set a trap for the dragon by hanging a freshly killed deer in a tree, then killed the great dragon with a bronze lance and cut off its head with a steel sword."
Wikipedia article on Oghuz Khagan

"Vegetables are GROSS! Don't you have any meat?!"

"Everything that's healthy is boring. Nobody invites their friends over to eat deliciously cooked artichokes. Because eating artichokes...isn't fun. What's fun is eating lamb with friends or grilled piglet. Or gathering 50 friends at a country house to eat a cow. That's fun. I'm sorry for the cow, but that brings people together. Meat unites, cows unite and artichokes... divide."
Bogota, Money Heist
