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Quotes / Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize

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Daniel: Watch it, Jack. He killed Mozart!
Slater: In a movie?
Daniel: Amadeus! It won eight Oscars!
Last Action Hero, after a meeting with John Practice (F. Murray Abraham)

Ray: That's the guy who did it.
Fraser: How do you know?
Ray: He looks like, um... that actor.
Fraser: What actor?
Ray: Well, you know how on Barnaby Jones, you can always tell the bad guy because he's played by that actor that you see a lot?
Fraser: Yes?
Ray: He looks like that actor. Trust me. They haven't been able to fool me once.
Due South, "They Eat Horses, Don't They?"

"You mean the recognizable character actor with one brief scene before this was the bad guy? What a surprise!"
Film Brain, Bad Movie Beatdown of The Riddle

Roger: Looks like we have a celebrity guest star.
Steve: So?
Roger: So, according to Murder, She Wrote, the celebrity guest is always the one who done it.
Steve: You just ruined every Murder, She Wrote I haven't seen.
American Dad!, "Manhattan Magical Murder Mystery Tour"

TV Announcer: We now return to One-Hour Crime Show Where the Murderer is the Most Famous Person in the Credits.

"Alicia Silverstone playing a pretty reporter in a Scooby-Doo movie for seemingly no reason at all? Who else could it possibly be?"

"HYDRA agents, about fifteen men and one woman. The men were all dressed in the same futuristic armor as the others, the woman, funnily enough, wore a brown leather jacket and had a black tank top on. She also looked like Michelle Rodriguez. Damnit, she was probably someone special, if the trend in this universe followed."
Dial, correctly picking out Titania from a crowd
