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Quotes / Going to Give It More Energy

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[During the final fight with Electro]
Gwen: How do we stop him?
Spider-Man: Okay, so he's electric and he's like a battery. So what happens if you overcharge a battery?
Gwen: It explodes.
Spider-Man: Right.
Gwen: So we use his power against him. Perfect. Okay.

Rose Tyler: Moonlight? But the Wolf needs moonlight, it's made by moonlight!
The Doctor: You're 70% water, you can still drown.

The generators are at full capacity."
Half a dozen lights began to flash and, obviously feeling left out, a warning siren began to wail.
"The entire grid is going to blow!" Glumshanks yelled.
"Turn it off," commanded Kaos in complete and utter panic. "Turn it off!"
"You can't!" realized Cynder, and turned back to the Cloud Machine. "That's what Hex was planning all along."
Zook had also figured out what was happening. "She wasn't lying when she said she was the most powerful Undead sorceress in Skylands — more powerful than your machine can handle."
"She's going to blow it sky-high!" shouted Hurrikazam, laughing despite his predicament.
Skylanders: The Mask Of Power, "Cynder Confronts the Weather Wizard"
