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"Anywhere is fine... I just wish I had a home... I could return to. The short time I spent together with Kumo-san... after arriving at that house... was 28 hours. The time I spent with Oki-san, before sneaking out, was 28 days. The basement shelter was safe, confortable, and I had no problems with it... but... it was not my home. It was always like this... since my mother died... I was always... looking for a home. I thought this place would work, however... I was wrong after all. Something is missing here. But... what is that "something"? I still... don't know..
Alice Fujii isn't feeling so much at home in such desolate darkness anymore, Chapter 0

"F... Friend. Haijima Chiyuri... is my friend. No matter how much you want it, no matter if you're dying to do it, no matter how much you crave it… Attacking her… and tormenting her… is… is… is… Absolutely <unacceptable>!!"
Dinoponera, or rather, Setsuna, isn't such a bad girl deep down after all, Chapter 4

"I'll use my privilege to sleep anywhere I want, whenever I want. That's kind of hard to beat. Hmmm... In the end... Not having a home... is the best!"
Chiyuri Haijima's hobo propaganda, Chapter 1

"Although I came under a surprise attack, I can escape anywhere with just a single bag. Pretty convenient. Yeah, not having a home is the best after all."
Chiyuri Haijima's hobo propaganda, Chapter 4

Chiyuri: We're departing for the new destination! All hands on deck!
Setsuna: EH? Now?!
Chiyuri: Sure! We're homeless, so... we can go anywhere we want, anytime.
Setsuna: Just a moment. I have to pack up. All the stuff I got so far, clothes...
Chiyuri: Eh. Can't you just find all of that at our destination? Not having a home... is the best after all!
Setsuna: It's the WORST! I can't eat sweets, I can't take a bath, I can't even watch anime!!

"<Why>... Why is this happening? We... didn't do anything wrong..."
Setsuna "did nothing wrong" Dinoponera summarizes the series, Chapter 12

Hanakamakiri: Dinoponera appeared when the previous boss, Yoriko-sama, started the "Arachnid Hunt". She's an enemy who aimed at Alice-sama's life. I can't let a dangerous person like that get close to Alice-sama.
Chiyuri: Oh. Don't worry about that. Because Setsuna-chan has become a really good girl.
Hana & Alice: A good girl... Seriously?
Chiyuri: Yes. After losing to Alice-san, she had a terrible experience and learned what pain is. She was reborn as a gentle girl with a caring heart. Well, certainly, because she's infected by the "ant virus", she sometimes gets violent and attacks me, but even if that happens, I, Chiyuri Haijima, will do something about it!
—Chapter 36

Mikoto Yamaguchi: Another thing we all have in common is that we don't portray women as weak. This may be common to the writers of Gangan Joker. Women are generally the strongest.
Tetsuya Tashiro: There's no denying that women are strong.
Shinya Murata: Nowadays, having a female protagonist is accepted, and it doesn't feel out of place in society.
The most progressive mangakas alive, Gangan Joker roundtable interview
