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Quotes / Argument of Contradictions

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Polnareff: Hey, you're using Star Platinum!
Jotaro: And?
Polnareff: That's cheating!
Jotaro: No it's not.
Polnareff: Yes it is!
Jotaro: Is not.
Polnareff: Is!
Jotaro: Not.
Polnareff: Argh!

Ochobot: Hey! You can't tell your friends about your powers!
BoBoiBoy: Yes I can.
Ochobot: No you can't.
BoBoiBoy: Yes I can.
Ochobot: No you can't.
BoBoiBoy: Yes I can!
Ochobot: No you can't! (cut) Yes you can, yes you can! Ahh put me down BoBoiBoy!

Creature 1: "Well, I eat green eggs and ham."
Creature 2: "Ah, you'd eat anything."
Creature 1: "Would not!"
Creature 2: "Would too!"
Creature 1: "Would not!"
Creature 2: "Would too!"
Creature 1: "Would not!!"
Creature 2: (quickly, after a Beat) "Would too!"
Living Books, "Green Eggs and Ham"

Tuck: "[Our vehicle should be a] Boat!"
Ming-Ming: "[It should be able to] Fly!"
Tuck: "Boat!"
Ming-Ming: "Fly!"
Wonder Pets!, "How it All Began"

Tigger: All I did was cough!
Eeyore: You bounced.
Tigger: Coughed!
Eeyore: Bounced.
Tigger: Coughed!!

Max: Give me the ball, Emmy!
Emmy: What for?
Max: I'm pitching!
Emmy: Nuh-uh, you're playing out there with Ord.
Max: But you said I could pitch!
Emmy: Did not!
Max: Did too! In the playroom!
Emmy: Did not!
Max: It's not fair! (Hits Emmy)
Dragon Tales, “No Hitter”

Snuffy: But I wanna play tag, Bird!
Big Bird: Snuffy, I wanna play hide and seek!
Snuffy: Tag!
Snuffy: TAG!
Big Bird: Snuffy, hide and se — ! ...Wait a minute. Gee, Snuffy. If we keep arguing like this, we won't be able to play anything!

Pumbaa: But you can't tell from the outside which are the really slimy ones!
Timon: Slimy? Pumbaa, my corpulent compadre. It's the crunchy ones that make the meal!
Pumbaa: Slimy!
Timon: Crunchy!
Pumbaa: Slimy!
Timon: Crunchy!
Pumbaa: Slimy!
Timon: Crunchy!
Pumbaa: Slimy!
Timon: Crunchy!
Pumbaa: Slimy!
Timon: Crunchy!
Pumbaa: Slimy!
Timon: Crunchy!
Pumbaa: Less filling!
Timon: Tastes good!
Pumbaa: Less filling!
Timon: Tastes good!
Pumbaa: Less filling!
Timon: Tastes good!
Pumbaa: Less filling!
Timon: Tastes good!

Timmy: You know, Tommy, maybe your idea about telling the truth all the time wasn't such a good one.
Tommy: My idea?! It was your idea, Timmy.
Timmy: No, it wasn't!
Tommy: Yes, it was!
Timmy: No, it wasn't!
Tommy: Yes, it was!
Timmy: You make me so mad, sometimes I wish I didn't have a twin, and that's the truth!
(Tommy runs off in tears)
Arthur, "To Tibble the Truth"

Donald: Stop bein' pushy!
Douglas: I'm no' bein' pushy!
Donald: Ye pushed me when the signal changed!
Douglas: You pulled me, more like!
Donald: I didnae!
Douglas: Did too!
Donald: I didnae!
Douglas: Did too!
Thomas & Friends, "Love Me Tender"

Anakin: Alright, but you owe me one. And not for saving your skin for the tenth time.
Obi-Wan: Ninth time.
Anakin: Tenth time.
Obi-Wan: Ninth time.
Anakin: Tenth time.
Obi-Wan: Anakin, let's be fair...
Anakin: Tenth time.
Obi-Wan: Ninth.
Anakin: Tenth.
Obi-Wan: Ninth.
Anakin: Tenth.
Obi-Wan: Ninth.
Anakin: Tenth.
Obi-Wan: ...I'll see you at the briefing. [turns to leave]
Anakin: Tenth time.
Obi-Wan: [turns back] It's over, Anakin!
Anakin: Alright.
Obi-Wan: ...Ninth! [leaves and closes door]
Anakin: I HATE YOU!
